Ghost-aphrodisiac (NSFW)

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NOTE: I am planing on doing one with every character but this one I won't lie, I just wanted to learn a bit more on how to write smut.

Word count: 2136


You were a good soldier. That's how he wanted to see you. You were one of the squad members, not really someone that would stay memorable from just a look, not many got to see your whole face but once people got to know you he didn't think they would ever forget you. You were their little happy light, the person who managed to turn the rainy day into an opportunity.

Aside all that you were trust worthy on the battlefield, you would lay yourself on the line for the team, something that Ghost held in high regard. He didn't interact much with you, never having any reason to talk. Most of your encounters were caused by other teammates, Soap dragging him to a bar with the team.

He would occasionally steal glances when he saw you on the dancefloor, your carefree attitude made the whole experience worth it. However one glance turned into looking for you in the crowd of the busy bar, checking whether you were dancing with your friends or maybe drinking with the soldiers. He couldn't help himself but look for you with his eyes when he sat with the rest of 141 at the booth.

The way you moved started sending something through him, he didn't even notice when the sight of your body began making him excited. He just brushed it off on the fact that he hasn't gotten together with a woman in a long time.

However the dreams kept him awake, making him wake up all hot and bothered. His mind tried to imagine how you would look under the mask, or better, how would you look with his mask on. Your pretty little eyes the only thing visible except his skull balaclava. He needed to control himself, push those feelings deep within and never bring them out. That's what he has always done. And that's what he would have done.

If not for those damned chocolates that Soap brought.

He had no idea where did the fucker got them from, but Ghost made the mistake of trusting him and not reading the label of the damned sweets. As a consequence he was now sat on his bed, throbbing cock in hand as he pumped himself to the thought of your voice, imagining how would your hand feel instead of his.

You were the last person he wanted to have on his mind while doing this, but he just couldn't stop thinking about you. Especially when the fantasies containing you did a much better job of getting him off then any porn he had watched has. He was so immersed in his thoughts that he didn't notice a nosy person peaking through his door.


It took you a couple seconds to understand he was fantasizing about you and damn was it hot. You had seen the man half naked before but this time was different, more intimate. For fucks sake you could see how big his dick was, if you put your mind to it you could count the veins popping from under his skin, that's how good of a view you had. The soft whispers of his contained your name, begging you to go faster, pleading for more. More of your body. For any part of your body. Even your breath looked like it would send him over the edge.

You got wet just from listening, the visuals made you squirm in your spot. After watching him for a good minute you finally felt some shame and decided to give him space. While taking a step back the floor made a loud crack, making you curse internally. There was no way he didn't hear that.

"Who is there?"

Ghost quickly gathered himself, pushing his dick back into his pants, at least as much as he could as his state barely let him think straight. When he peaked out of the door he caught you standing there, looking at him like dear in headlights. As if God finally answered his prayers. His hazy mind not letting him think clearly, a hand grabbed your arm, roughly pulling you into the room.

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