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Nobara found herself getting closer to Maki after you left, there was no competition for her. She felt a twinge of remorse from time to time but it goes as quickly as it came when she remembers everything that happened.

Nobara found herself blushing when Maki gives her the usual hooded eyes, she found herself smiling when she thought about being around Maki. She found herself being...happier, than she used to be.

At the moment she didn't pay much attention to how you might feel if you found out about her feelings. She wasn't exactly your biggest fan. All she thought about was Maki— Maki, and her sharp jawline— Maki, and her perfectly cut bangs— Maki, and her broad shoulders.

Was she in love?

Or maybe she loved the idea of making you upset?

Hatake-senpai is nowhere to be found, what they don't know won't hurt them, right?

They hate Maki-san anyways...what's the problem?

They left her, that perfect girl.

How could they?

Nobara was growing jealous—when Panda would mention you during dinner the whole table would go quiet. Nobara would glare at him like she was plotting his demise for the time until someone brought up another topic. She was jealous—jealous of how you still affect people even when you're gone—jealous of how Maki still thinks about you—she knows, Nobara does, it strikes a cord in her brain that sets her blood ablaze and make's her head spin.

She's jealous—of how much more time Maki spends thinking about you more than her.

"Nobara," Maki lightly whacked the ginger's head with her polearm. Nobara lifted her head with bright eyes that sparkled like the North Star, shining for no one else.

"Partners are rotating. Let's practice hand to hand combat, you're kinda lame at that."

Nobara scoffed—she still received light, teasing banter from time to time but it's nothing mean. She gets up, following after Maki and copying her posture, straightening her shoulders and tilting her chin up like a soldier would—basically mirroring Maki.

They stand in each other's vicinity away from the boys—Maki doing some quick stretches on the grass while Nobara copies her, again. It's not like it hasn't gone unnoticed. Maki noticed the way Nobara got quiet at the mention of your name—more uncomfortable than the others when the table would die down for a solid five minutes. She noticed the way her eyes would flash with a renewed light in them whenever she was in Nobara's field of vision. It's not like she cared, either.

"Hit me," she demands, standing up and getting in a combat position, with her arms holding up her polearm and her knees bent just a little. Nobara watches, she has to quietly remind herself not to copy her simply because she herself doesn't have a polearm.

Nobara dashes towards her with her fists balled up, her thumb tucking her knuckles as her arm swings for Maki's face which she misses by half a foot.

Maki swings her polearm along her arms and shoulders, eventually stopping it with her hands and whacking Nobara in her stomach, knocking her back a few feet before she tumbled onto the grass.

"You suck at punching," Maki comments, looking down at Nobara as she lay there, resting on her elbows. She sighs, clicking her tongue. "Looks like I'll have to teach you how to punch, too."

"You taught others?" Nobara questions as she takes the pale hand which Maki stuck out for her to grab, pulling herself up and standing at her full height, reaching Maki's chin.

She nodded, "I taught Megumi, Yuta, Toge, and Y/n. Mai too, but she didn't pay much attention."

"I see," Nobara quiets down, her eyes darkening at the sound of your name—the cord is strung in her brain again, she can feel her skin warming up more and more as she stands there in the sun. "How long did it take?"

𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐋𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒; 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐢 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora