Wasted Summer

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When Gojo introduced you earlier to the four other first years, it left him a bit confused. About your last name, to be specific. Hatake, he's heard that name before, he just doesn't know where. When he first got your card from Shoko, he took a good look at it to stare at your name, clearly perplexed at what it was. Now, he's back in her office to ask her about it, which she doesn't know either.

"Hatake...you ever heard that name before?" Gojo asks, leaning back in the extra office chair in Shoko's office. The brown haired woman from earlier, the one who gave you your uniform, Shoko, looked at him and shook her head. Gojo clicked his tongue then crossed his legs, "I swear I've heard it before..."

"I know I haven't," Shoko admits as she turns back to her desk, examining some sheets of paper sitting on her otherwise blank desk, aside from a box of bandaids and tissues and a pencil cup. Gojo bruted for a moment, pouting his lips and thinking. He's sure he's heard that name before, he just can't pinpoint where. He'd have to ask one of his friends about it later on, or maybe even principal Yaga, but he'll do that later, he just got to Shoko's office a few minutes ago.

"Have you checked the library?" she asks from her desk, not turning to face Gojo. He looks at her with an unseen lifted brow, "Nope," he replies cheekily. Shoko rolls her eyes with a quiet scoff, not even bothering to care if Gojo heard it or not. "Then you probably should do that, instead of bothering me," she said dismissively to which Gojo stayed quiet and in his spot.

"I'm curious," he starts up once again, and Shoko rolls her eyes, once again. "Why would someone from the Hatake clan be coming here in the middle of the school year?" Gojo thought out loud, frowning a bit and resting his hands on the arm of his chair. "And how come we haven't heard about someone coming from that clan? I know the people of the Zenin clan are a bit...old fashioned, and like to keep a lot of things to themselves, but wouldn't they at least give out some hint that someone from the Hatake clan was there?"

"If being a Hatake means that much in the Jujutsu society- I don't know anything about that clan, and I've never heard of it- but the Zenin clan probably wanted to keep that kind of thing to themselves for potential clan merging," Shoko admits, finally turning to face Gojo in her own office chair. Gojo clicks his tongue again, then huffs.

"Or they could've been working for who knows, there could be a variety of reasons," she finishes bluntly, getting up from her chair and walking over to one of the cabinets in the room. Gojo brutes again for a few more moments, he found it incredibly suspicious that someone from such a clan was kept at the Zenin estate then started going here in the middle of the year. Transfer students aren't uncommon, but it's definitely a rarity for a special grade Jujutsu sorcerer from the Hatake clan to start coming here in the middle of the year, even Yuta's arrival was more convenient than that.

"Alright," Gojo chirps as he gets up from the chair, standing tall in the room. "I'm gonna go to the library." he announces before marching out of the room, opening the door and shutting it behind him while Shoko kept going through different cabinets.

On his way to the library, he got a glimpse of you and the other first years out in the training field doing whatever it looked like you were doing- probably sitting around. He couldn't blame you, it's your first day here and he bets you're a bit confused about this whole place- that's different from Yuta, though. He had the power of the Queen of Curses with him, so of course he had to be trained immediately.

Gojo chuckled, watching you seemingly get bombarded with questions before he kept going to the library. It was rude, for sure, to watch you get attacked with different questions about you when you don't even know half of the answers to, then find amusement in it. But, he figured you'll be ok, it's part of being a kid.

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