Drama (Last part)

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Elijah and Kevin had successfully kept their secret hidden, their love a quiet flame flickering beneath the surface. One evening, however, as the town slept peacefully, Shama and Shawn, curious and perhaps a bit mischievous, decided to pay their friends an unexpected visit.

The moon cast a soft glow through Elijah's bedroom window as Shama and Shawn approached silently. The door, usually left ajar, was slightly ajar still, and they couldn't resist the temptation to peek inside. What they found was beyond their wildest expectations.

Elijah and Kevin, lost in the intimacy of the moment, were startled as Shama and Shawn burst into the room. Eyes widened, the secret was no longer theirs alone.

Shama blurted out, "Well, this is quite the surprise!"

Elijah and Kevin, tangled in bedsheets and emotions, tried to scramble for an explanation. "We can explain," Elijah stammered, his face flushing with embarrassment.

Shawn, in a very strange voice "why havent you guys tell us this!! We kinda knew it from the start"

The room filled with an awkward silence, broken only by nervous laughter as Shama teased, "You two owe us a better 'knock before entering' policy."

As the initial shock wore off, the four friends sat down to talk. Shama and Shawn assured Elijah and Kevin that their secret was safe with them and that they would stand by their friends no matter what.

In the end, that night became a turning point for the small group of friends, a moment that taught them the importance of acceptance, understanding, and the enduring power of true friendship. And the power of being suspicious with friends.
The end.
Sorry you guys it was shot in might come out with more books though if you guys like this one
Love yall!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2023 ⏰

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