Chapter 8: Top One Percent

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???: TRENT!!!

I barely hear someone calling my name through the ringing in my ears. I'm suddenly picked up and thrown over someone's shoulder. I looked up to see my house was in pieces and several heavily armored furs were shooting at me and whoever picked me up. After a bit of running the sounds of gunshots and people stop calling out orders to stop following us. And I'm set against a large fallen tree. It wasn't until I saw who set me down that I remembered. A couple of days ago Shauna somehow got into my house. Took me forever to get into my thick caveman skull that she wasn't there to cause me harm. She rarely talked much but it was nice to have someone there. I was starting to call the infected when I came across Freddy and started talking to them. So I'm not gonna go crazy at least. Back to what the hell even happened.

Me: what the hell just happened?

Shauna shrugged her shoulders and started checking my body for injuries.

Me: I'm ok Shauna.

She gives me an annoyed look still checking. She kept going until she was satisfied with knowing I wasn't injured.

Shauna: Nothing broken.

I nod as she helps me up. And I noticed something sticking out of her shoulder.

Me: what the hell?

Shauna: what?

I grab whatever is on her shoulder and pull it out. It had a pulsing red light on the end of it. It was a tracking device.

Me: Shauna we gotta get moving.

Before we could get moving I felt a bunch of sharp pains in my back and I fell to the ground with a thud. Shauna fell beside me shaking the ground a bit.

???: I think we overdid it the human.

???2: no Brandon said to make sure he's gonna stay down.

I started to to get up with whatever they pumped me with making it difficult. Being able to see who it was it was the same people who blew up my house.

???: shit! He's getting back up!

I start to run towards them but I feel more darts hit Me in the neck causing me to fall on my face.

Me: ouch...

???3: should have listened when Brandon said to dump your whole mags into him.

I feel myself start to go to sleep the last thing I see is a large truck pull up.


I wake up on Shauna's lap in a far corner of a prison cell.

Me: where are we?

Shauna: Bunker.

I look to the next cell and see a bunch of infected biting and clawing at the bars trying to get to us. I was about to get up but someone banged on the cell door. I looked over to see a large wolf fur and a slightly shorter lizard fur. The lizard had its gun pointed at me and Shauna.

Lizard: human out now.

Shauna holds onto me tighter.

Lizard: out now or I shoot you both.

Me: Shauna let me go I'll be fine.

She tightens her grip on me.

Lizard: NOW DAMNIT!!

Shauna let me go looking at me with a look of worry.

Me: I'll be fine.

I walk over to the door and they open the door and pull me out putting headphones blasting metal (which was probably the only Good thing about what was going on) then they put a paper bag over my head and pick me up. After being carried for a couple of minutes I get set down on what feels like sand. The bag and headphones get taken off of me and I get kicked into a large arena. I look up to see hundreds of furs sitting in very fancy booths cheering and screaming. I wasn't surprised that a bunch of rich and powerful got their bunker and turned into a brutalist society. But I was expecting it to happen a bit later than now.

???: fellow people of power and wealth!

A platform lowers over the arena revealing a large dragon fur standing on it.

Brandon: I Brandon Ironbane have brought the worst of the scum that wandered our towns before that plague fell from the sky and took OUR world.

He points to me with a hateful look on his face

Brandon: This freak, this THING! has been allowed to live among us! It brought the plague! It has caused the end before we could take the world and remove the other filth from it!

He looks at the crowd of angry and screaming furs.

Brandon: But today we can have revenge! And the greatest show we've had in months!

The platform raises as Brandon looks at me smiling. This feels extremely personal.

Me: fuck...


Me: Annoying mother fucker!!

I scream as I smash a makeshift club into the face of the infected that's been shooting spikes at me. I stand there for a second to catch my breath. The crowd booed and I responded with a middle finger. I stand there for a second to catch my breath. The next thing I know I see one of the arena doors blast open. And furs with tactical and ninja gear. I knew who the furs in the ninja gear were. But the ones in the tactical gear I have no fucking clue.

Brandon over the speakers: Oh god damn it! Guards!

No one comes.


Before anything could happen I got dragged away.

Me: wait what about my friend Shauna!?

Ninja: we found her she's safe.

I get dragged out of the arena and handed my katana.

Me: I thought it got blown up.

Ninja: we fixed it.

Me: thanks.

We pushed our way to the bunker entrance where Shauna was waiting with more of the furs that rescued us.

Shauna: Trent!

Shauna runs towards me hugging me almost crushing me.

Me: Shauna... I can't... Breath.

She lets me go looking down at me and rubbing the back of her neck.

Shauna: sorry.

Me: it's okay.

We ran out of the bunker got pushed into buggies and drove off. After a bit, I fell asleep with my head on Shauna's lap.


Unholyberserker: hope y'all enjoyed I got I got no memes or anything for the end anyway 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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