Chapter Twenty-One

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The night before we were to leave to see the High King, I wasn't the only one who seemed on edge. The four sidhe were all slightly quieter and colder than usual. Phin's smiles were tight, not quite reaching her eyes. Ninleyn did not speak, but watched everything more closely. Venali seemed more reckless and taunting. And Dain broke through his end of the mended table under the force of his clenched hand before striding out without a word.

Phin and Ninleyn followed soon after, leaving Venali and me watching each other across the table. I knew what he was thinking and, had I not been stressing about the next day, I would have taken him up on it. Maybe I would take him up on it anyway; he was always a good distraction.

But when he smirked at me, his eyes were hard, and I couldn't read why. "With tomorrow looming for us all, Dain is no doubt wondering whose bed you would find solace and distraction in tonight."

I choked on my wine and felt my cheeks flush. It felt like Pieter-me-Liber all over again, just so much more complicated. So much more deadly. So much more was on the line than a few bruised egos and first broken hearts. Phin had told me that Dain would let Dhuschane bed me, but what about his friend and companion?

"You presume I would want either of you tonight?" I said, my voice only just shaking.

His smirk reached his eyes. "I wouldn't, but he no doubt does."

I swallowed. "How long have you known?"

He leant against his chair and crossed his arms. "Known what?"

I frowned at him. He knew what but he was going to make me say it. "That I've been with both of you."

His face broke out in a wide grin as he looked away from me and licked his lip. "You think we never knew?"

My face heated even more. "Why didn't you say anything?"

He shrugged. "Does it matter?" He looked back at me, amusement still playing at his lips. "Did you really think we didn't know?"

Did it matter?

I pushed myself away from the table and didn't analyse why the first place my feet took me was Dain's room. At least he was in there alone, reading a book in a chair by the fireplace. For a moment, the planes of his face looked like he carried the weight of the whole world, then I was sure I must have imagined he was anything more than a cocky bastard.

"You know?" I breathed, and I sensed he knew what I was talking about.

He shrugged, not even looking up from his book. "I know."

Guilt flooded me, though I shouldn't see why. I knew both Dain and Venali shared the pleasures of others. Why shouldn't I?

They can't bear to be apart longer than necessary...

I shook my head. "You know?"

"I didn't realise it was meant to be a secret." He sighed as he flicked a page, almost pointedly. "Yes, Yana. I know you're taking pleasure from both Venali and me. Are you going to repeat your question for the rest of the night, or can we put an end to this circular conversation now?"

I blinked at him. "You don't seem to care," I said, not sure what I was asking or hoping his answer would be.

He laughed. "Why should I care? Why should you not seek comfort and pleasure in whomsoever's arms you choose when you so choose?" He closed his book somewhat resignedly and looked up at me. "Why would it bother me that I'm not always your chosen companion?"

"Um, to deny me my own enjoyment for the sake of yours?" I suggested, biting sarcasm in my tone. "Getting off on controlling me?"

Shadows swirled around him, and his face went dark for a moment. "While it would indeed be amusing to me to watch what your...frustrations did to you..." he mused as he stood up and came over to me. The shadows retreated again. Then he asked, as though nothing had just happened, "Any other imaginary motives you'd like to accuse me of?"

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