Chapter Two: Rumbling On

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    The distant roll of a storm commenced as school carried on. Close to lunch time, freedom outside the buildings would have to be restricted due to upcoming rain and wind. For those who had parents that picked them up by truck, the rain was not an issue. Yet for Luis, his seat by the window helped him none to calm his worrying. 

     How long will this rain last? The sky responded with a loud crack of thunder and a flash of lightning. His grade was currently on a prep period while the other grades were having lessons in their level. Everyone in the small building jumped, including the teachers, now awake from nodding off. Luis groaned and crossed his arms on the desk to lay his head on his books.

    The low rumble continued, not only outside, but in the stomach of the storm's lone audience. Luis looked down to his lap, sulking in his seat. His lack of money meant that lunch was limited, or often not an option. Today's lunch would consist of sorrow and self pity. 

     "If you can't cook it yourself, you won't eat." The words of his mom rang in Luis' ears. 

     "Of course," Luis mumbled, his stomach responding with a low growl. She was true to her policy. She did not bother making them food unless she was in a good mood. Luis and his older brother learned early how to make a fire to make the basics such as tortillas, rice, and beans.  His  older brother use to wake up early to make everyone breakfast, but-

     "What's the matter?" Luis looked up. Tania Castella stood above him. Her long black hair gently touched his nose as she tilted her head towards him; the air of citrus and rosemary coming from her light curls. 

     Luis jolted up and stood straight in his seat. "Wha- o- oh nothing. Just hungry." Luis fidgeted in his seat as he slowly inched back in his chair. 

     She smells so nice. They must have actual running water at their house. Luis looked down at his own clothes: muddy and dirty. When was the last time he was able to take a shower that did not consist of climbing up a mountain with a bucket to splash water on his body? No wonder he was named the dirtiest kid in the school. 

     Tania blinked, tilting her head again. Luis looked up to meet her brown eyes and felt his cheeks flush instantly. "Do you want to join me? My mom made me an extra portion of rice and another egg. I don't eat that much." She smiled. 

     Luis blinked a couple times before realizing what she was saying. She wants to eat with me? El Nino Barro? She's probably just being nice, but I am really hungry. When was the last time he ate anything at school?

     "S-sure." Luis looked down to the ground at her shiny black mary-jane shoes. "Thank you." He looked into her eyes and mustered a smile. 

     "Great! I'll see you during lunch them." She walked back to her seat, her delicate curls bouncing as she stepped. 

     Luis felt his heart race. Ten minutes. His heart raced even more as he thought about sitting with her and talking. He was always awkward around people, but girls never seemed that big of a deal until recently. 

     Puberty. Luis' brother would say. It's normal for you to suddenly notice girls and their differences.

     The bell rang and the children quickly got up to grab their sack lunches from the lunch room. Luis got up as to not seem obviously alone with no lunch. He went to the hallway  that connected the buildings where his younger sister by three years walked by to get to her building. He quickly spotted her; she stuck out almost as much as he did. Emma Castro's curly long hair was half up, her uniform almost as dirty as his; her black shoes lightly caked with mud and cracks. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2013 ⏰

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