Flashback (My own, not from the show)

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You and Five never got along...but there have been very rare occasions where they have...rare, but still existent. Reggie made all the kids practice dancing and he paired the kids up with each other, usually the pair ups were the same, he paired up luther and allison, diego and you, then five and vanya, the other two had to wait until the next dance, ben got you, and klaus got allison while luther and diego sat out, but during the dance you had to switch partners and you always ended up with five and you always stepped on his feet on purpose making him do the same to you, one day you both got out of hand and didn't even dance and just stomped on the others feet, reggie got mad and punished you both, one day he gave you two the worst punishment imaginable... he made you two sit in a room together for the whole day...yeah, I know right, jaw dropping, really, I can't even imagine, must've been terrible. They got in trouble a lot and he made that punishment happen a lot, it soon enough became the punishment room meant for the two of them, nobody went in their because they had no reason too, reggie didn't even put any cameras in there because he didn't want to watch them squabble and let them deal with it themselves, sometimes, y/n went in the room just to relax or hide out, but five sometimes did that too, one night they both went in their to relax and they were too tired to fight, it was actually the same day they got their tattoo but it was night and they were supposed to be asleep.

"I don't want to get in trouble anymore, maybe we should just dance better." you say

"I agree, but no more stepping on my feet." he says

"Well, sometimes it's an accident. Can we practice maybe, no mistakes, no stepping on each other's feet, just practice?"

"Sure," he says. We both stand up and he puts his palm on my waist and his other hand in mine, then I put my free hand on his shoulder.

We danced together in silence, using the same steps our father had taught us. Five and I stared at each other the entire time, neither of us willing to look away and interrupt this moment. We just stared into eachothers eyes, his handsome green eyes drew me in. He started to lean in...

"Five! Eight!" The two of us heard a voice yell. We pulled away from each other in surprise and looked at who stood in the door frame. Dad. "You two should be in bed! Not dancing!" he said sternly

"But Dad, we were just practicing!" you said

"Excuses? I will not hear them! Off to bed now!" he said before me and five walked to the hallway.

"Five-- I... goodnight." you say wanting to talk about it but not thinking it's a good idea

"Goodnight, Y/n." he says before looking at me for a few seconds and going to bed.

We never talked about what happened after that ever again



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From Rivals to Romance: Y/N and Five Hargreeves (Season 1 book 1)Where stories live. Discover now