Being dramatic

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Ink cried dramatically, wiggling around in the rope that he was tied in while hanging upside down.

Dream hummed a bit as he pulled an arrow back slowly which made some small noises and ink froze up before he started wiggling even more and started moving side to side to make it harder for dream to shoot at.

Dream narrowed his eyes, "you deserve this ink."

Ink cried out, even more dramatically at that, "noooooooo dreamy noooooo I'm not sorry!"

Dream narrowed his eyes even more, "bad choice of words ink."

Dream let go of the arrow and ink cried out from fright as he forceable moved his body to swing out of the way just in time, the arrow hit the tree behind him, hitting the rope which cut it loose and made ink fall onto the ground with a loud thump.

Ink whined, still being dramatic about it and wiggled around, still tied up.

Dream huffed, inks lucky dream isn't doing anything more, unlike last time, which involved ink needing to regenerate two of his limps.

Swap walked over with a curious stare, holding a cup of coffee while gesturing to ink, "what did he do this time?"

Dream scowled, "kidnapped error without even letting us know before he tried."

Swap froze up, a tight smile forming on his face now as his eye sockets narrowed, "oh..he did now, did he?"

Ink froze up at swaps tone, then he started to dramatically wail, wanting to distract them from what he did, ugh, why did he let dream do this?

Oh punishment for doing something so 'big' without asking the other two.

But it's not like they had to deal with the pain and coughing up blood when an au gets destroyed! Let alone having to deal with it for a bit over two months in a row!

He'd like to see how they would do in his position, besides! Error was completely safe! He won't be harmed at all, so why did swap and dream take issue with this in the first place?

Ink didn't understand, it's not he did it with bad intentions! He just wanted the two to have a break for a month or two! Was that so much to want and ask for?

Swap walked over and pushed ink so he was lying on his back, ink whined out loud, common, take the bait, get distracted.

"Ink, why did you kidnap Error and how?" Swap asked, sounding displeased.

No! He didn't fall for it! Maybe they got used to it? He'll have to up his dramatic wailing next time.

Ink sniffed a bit, faking the teary eyes as he stared up at swap who didn't seem fazed at All, damn it..

"I figured we both could use a break from creating and destroying..besides! Error isn't even harmed at all! He's just sleeping!" Ink whined a bit, pouting up at swap as he stopped the fake tears as it wasn't fooling swap at all.

Swap blinked a bit puzzled, "what do you mean sleeping?"

Ink huffed, "it's like I said! Sleeping! I didn't hurt him or anything so I don't get what the big deal is!"

Dream appeared in inks vision, bending over a little bit to give ink a cold glare, making ink pout again.

"The big deal is, that you kidnapped someone!  And it being the destroyer at that! You know what he can do ink. What if whatever you did,  makes him go on a Rampage!?" Dream mentioned with a displeased tone.

Ink scoffed, "oh please, it's just a game like what you and nightmare are doing, no harm In giving us both a break."

Dream scowled, "but unlike error, my brother doesn't destroy entire aus that have innocent monsters in it."

Ink relocates error (kidnapped) Where stories live. Discover now