Ink has an idea

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Ink let out a frustrated sigh, errors been causing so much problems lately with destroying aus left and right, ink was not even given any breaks trying to keep error from destroying aus so fast.

Ink coughed up some blood with a lot of pain echoing through his body, that he ignored as the aus were being destroyed left and right, ink narrowed his eye sockets, thinking on how to get error to stop for at least a month or two.

Maybe more, he wondered what motivated error to destroy so many, not know that ink himself motivated error as ink hasn't created in the last two months.

Mostly because error was delighted that ink finally stopped creating for so long and now he had time to catch up with getting rid of the aus so they didn't get to close to each other, or corrupt, or so.

Ink on the other hand, had taken a break despite being told he shouldn't stop creating by the idiotic creators.

Sure at first he didn't want to be forgotten but it got so boring after so many times they wanted copy after copy with just slight differences.

Ugh, they always wanted him to create, so he's been ignoring them for the last two months, doing his own thing despite error destroying for the last month or so non stop.

How much stamina does error even have anyways?

Ink pulled his scarf up and started looking at his error notes, humming a bit as he looked through it to see if it had anything on errors stamina.

"Oh! Ohhhhh no wonder why he has so much stamina. I forgot he was a god too... hahaha lol." Ink chuckles, he couldn't believe he forgot about that.

But it has been way too long since he thought about it despite knowing error was his other half, his other counterpart.

Ink started thinking again, wondering what he could do.

Inks eye sockets slowly widen, an idea forming in his mind.

A small smile appeared on inks face, he knew what to do now. It will give both of them a much needed break, error from destroying non stop, ink from coughing up blood every ten seconds or less.

And it will give his body a break from the pain as well.

Huh, he didn't know he created  so many copies over the years. Oh well. At least it frees up some space.

Ink pulled his brush out and started getting to work on making something.

Ink chuckled excitedly even thought he coughed up more blood. Well magic. But it was fine! He had plenty of magic anyways from being a god.

A perk of becoming the creators favorite from years back when he first worked for them. Someone made it permanently so they couldn't just get rid of him and make another.

Ha! Talk about a drawback on their end.

He can't die unless they wish to end the multiverse, and even then the possibility he'll survived that is still high along with some others like error, reaper, fresh, nightmare, dream, and a few others who would definitely survive a multiverse wipe.

So the dumb creators can't do anything! They can't make another god of creation when there is already one in place in the multiverse.

Ink chuckles amused, looking smug as a creator cursed at him.

Ink flipped them off and a few gasps sounded offended.

Ink chuckles again and continued to work on it, this idea was the best thing ever.

~skip to a month~

It took ink a whole month to make it how he wanted it to be, and he's very sure error won't want to leave it for at least a month! A whole month of a break! That is fantastic!

Ink relocates error (kidnapped) Where stories live. Discover now