Ol' King Cole

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Hey y'all, welcome back! This one is a really cool military spin on a classic nursery rhyme. Enjoy!

Old King Cole was a merry old soul and merry old soul was he

He called for his pipe and he called for his bowl and he called for his Privates three

"Beer, beer, beer" said the Privates 

(Hey Ho Hey Ho what merry men are we

But none so fair as can compare to the Airborne Infantry HEY)

Old King Cole was a merry old soul and a merry old soul was he

He called for his pipe and he called for his bowl and he called for his Corporals three

"I need a three day pass" said the Corporals

"Beer, beer, beer" said the Privates

(Hey Ho Hey Ho what merry men are we

But none as fair as can compare to the Airborne Infantry HEY)

Old King Coal was a merry old soul and a merry old soul was he

He called for his pipe and he called for his bowl and he called for his Sergeants three

"Left, right, left" said the Sergeants 

"I need a three day pass" said the Corporals

"Beer,beer,beer" said the Privates

(Hey Ho Hey Ho what merry men are we

But none as fair as can compare to the Airborne Infantry HEY)

Old King Cole was a merry old soul and a merry old soul was he

He called for his pipe and he called for his bowl and he called for his EI Tee's three

"What do I do now" said the EI Tee's

"Left, right, left" said the Sergeants

"I need a three day pass" said the Corporals

"Beer,beer,beer" said the Privates

(Hey Ho Hey Ho what merry men are we

But none as fair as can compare to the Airborne Infantry HEY)

Old King Cole was a merry old soul and a merry old soul was he

He called for his pipe and he called for his bowl and he called for his Captains three

"Who's gonna drive my Hummer" said the Captains

"What do I do now" said the EI Tee's

"Left, right, left" said the Sergeants

"I need a three day pass" said the Corporals

"Beer,beer,beer" said the Privates

(Hey Ho Hey Ho what merry men are we

But none as fair as can compare to the Airborne Infantry HEY)

Old King Cole was a merry old soul and a merry old soul was he

He called for his pipe and he called for his bowl and he called for his Majors three

"I need a bigger desk" said the Majors

"Who's gonna drive my Hummer" said the Captains

"What do I do now" said the EI Tee's

"Left, right, left" said the Sergeants

"I need a three day pass" said the Corporals

"Beer,beer,beer" said the Privates

(Hey Ho Hey Ho what merry men are we

But none as fair as can compare to the Airborne Infantry HEY)

Old King Cole was a merry old soul and a merry old soul was he

He called for his pipe and he called for his bowl and he called for his Colonels three

"When can I play golf" said the Colonels

"I need a bigger desk" said the Majors

"Who's gonna drive my Hummer" said the Captains

"What do I do now" said the EI Tee's

"Left, right, left" said the Sergeants

"I need a three day pass" said the Corporals

"Beer,beer,beer" said the Privates

(Hey Ho Hey Ho what merry men are we

But none as fair as can compare to the Airborne Infantry HEY)

Old King Cole was a merry old soul and a merry old soul was he

He called for his pipe and he called for his bowl and he called for his Generals three

"Keep those Privates straight" said the Generals

"When can I play golf" said the Colonels

"I need a bigger desk" said the Majors

"Who's gonna drive my Hummer" said the Captains

"What do I do now" said the EI Tee's

"Left, right, left" said the Sergeants

"I need a three day pass" said the Corporals

"Beer,beer,beer" said the Privates

(Hey Ho Hey Ho what merry men are we

But none as fair as can compare to the Airborne Infantry 

Hey Ho Hey Ho what merry men are we

But none as fair as can  compare to the Airborne Infantry HEY)

I hope y'all enjoyed Ol' King Cole! Y'all take care and keep marching!

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