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A few days passed without Hyunjin and me discussing the issue hanging over our heads. Between us, it's tense. We don't dare talk about it but we both know that a decision will have to be made.

S: Hyun, we can't avoid the problem for our entire lives.

He looked at me with a sad expression.

S: Honestly, if you don't have the courage to leave me I'll be the one to do it...

HJ: It's just that I don't wanna lose you...

S: Me neither, I don't want to. But we won't be happy like this. You say you don't wanna forget your feelings for him, how do you expect me to live with that?

My heart, already in pieces, breaks a little more with each word I say.

HJ: You're right, I'm sorry for making you suffer San, it's all my fault... You don't deserve this.

S: Forget about that, you shouldn't feel guilty for loving.

He looked at me, tears in his eyes. I struggle to keep mine from rising.

S: Honestly, you actually have only two choices. Either you do everything you can to forget him, or we break up.

I don't know where I found the courage to say all this. I think I spoke without really believing it. Without really realizing that all of this is very real.

HJ: I'll think about it... please give me a little more time, San...

During the two days that followed, we continued to weigh the pros and cons, to search for a solution, to struggle between the heart and reason. And finally, we decided on a mutual agreement to officially separate.

My heart and mind are turned upside down. I'm angry, but I don't wanna blame him. He was honest with me. He has always wanted the best for me. I don't blame him. But I'm angry.

And sad. Very sad.

Lost, disoriented.

Helpless, beaten.

Afraid, upset.

We continued to live together until I found an apartment. Fortunately, I managed to find one quickly and after two weeks, here I am moving alone into my new place.

These past two weeks have been really tough. The worst's certainly yet to come, but I hope to feel more comfortable in this apartment, away from Hyunjin. Away from our memories and habits.

We remain on good terms but we cut off contact to turn the page. Mature men you might say.

So here I am alone, sitting on my bed. I've finished unpacking all my boxes.

This apartment's really nice. It's not very big but it's very bright which gives the impression that there's more space than there really is. I even have a balcony overlooking a lively street.

I go there, it's quite nice today. The warm days are starting to be felt. I'm looking forward to spring. I'll help me bring some color back to my life it'll make me stronger.

I watch people from my balcony, leaning on the railing.

I take my phone out of my pocket and open Instagram. I scroll through the stories and come across one from Wooyoung.

A landscape photo, I think I recognize the Daegu countryside. In the background, a Lana Del Rey song "Cinnamon Girl."

I love Lana Del Rey, I didn't know he listens to her songs.

You have very good musical taste indeed

Sure i do 😏

Do you listen to a lot of her songs?

young _woo
Honestly yeah there are many that I like

young _woo
But "Cinnamon Girl" is my favorite and you?

"Brooklyn Baby" my life for that song

Oh yeah damn one of my faves too

You have good tastes within your good tastes 😌


Damn dude we're seeing BTS in 8 days i can't believe it 😱😱

Yaaaas it's gonna be sooo great!! We're gonna see each other too, it's gonna be weird, it's been so long!

But like i don't feel like it's been that long, don't know, it's weird

For me it doesn't feel strange i'm just too excited

Dunno i think that, for me at least, the connection hasn't been broken you know?

Yeah same, actually i think it's gonna be really normal like if we saw each other yesterday and that's what feels weird about it

Yeah exactly

Anyway, how've you been?

Oh um... complicated

What's wrong??

My bf and i broke up so now i just moved into a new apartment

Oh noooo Sannie
Why did you guys break up if it's not too personal?

I tell him the story in detail and he manages to lift my spirits a bit, make me put things into perspective.

In any case if you don't feel well don't hesitate to call me okay? You've got my number

You're sweet, ty :)

Wbu, is it going well with your girl?

No lmaaaao it's complicated too, we don't have the same life plans and we're not experiencing much together anymore, honestly i'm thinking ab breaking up with her

Oh holy crap, we're united in relationship struggles 😭😭

Facts 😭

Honestly try not to overthink it too much and follow your heart, i'm sure you'll make the right decision

Thanks Sannie 😘
I'll let you know if there are any changes

Conclusion of Chapter 25: San's apartment's really nice.


I snuck in my love for Lana Del Rey in this chapter haha

Who listens to her? And what are your favorite songs of hers?

For me it's "Brooklyn Baby" i find that song so incredible! I'll put it in the next chapter for those who want to listen 😉

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