chapter 1: Hello!

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Warning: cussing and bullying

Rody's POV:

as I walked through the halls, I couldn't help but notice the amount of people in the school.. ‘holy shit...’ I thought to myself.

"Hey red head!" Said a voice from behind me "Aughhh.. what do you want John??" I responded.

"Oh nothin, just wondering why you're so damn ugly? Why do you look like a tellatubby? Planning to hang out with all you're little tellatubby buddy's tonight?" John said,

ugh.. I just wanted to gut punch him!!! "Leave him alone fuck face." A voice said behind me, it's sounded slight familiar but I couldn't make it out..

"And why should I freak?!" John yelled, as a tall slim boy placed his hand on my shoulder, he was quiet taller than me.

"Because I'll fucking cook you if you don't." The boy said, his voice sounded genuine.. that scared me.. people have been going missing lately so that really didn't help.

"You- you know what!? Fuck you you fucking freak!!" John yelled, as he walked away.

"Uhm, thanks?" I said turning my head to look at the slim figure.
"Don't mention it." He said looking back down at me.
Oh! Now I know who this was! The head chef in the cooking club.. but out of all people why would he help me?

"Uh? Hello?" He said, breaking me from thought. "Oh! Sorry, just got.. lost in thought there! You know?" I said jokingly

"Yeah... Well if that kid fucks with you anymore than you know where I am.. at least most of the time-" he said, I nodded at him, he took his hand off of my shoulder and walked away.

"Saved by a goth, that's crazy!" Said one of my friends, playfully hitting the back of my head.
"Yeah! You think he's gay or bi like you rod's? You guys would make such a romantic couple~!" Said my other friend.

"What!? No ew! I just met him a bit ago!" I said, acting disgusted. "And he's not 'a goth' he's just.. expressing his feelings through his clothes." I said defending the boy. "What was his name again?" I asked Zoro my best friend. "I think it was like Vince or Vincent" Zoro said with a shrug.

"Oooo, rody and Vincent sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g!!" Said my other best friend, Jessie..
"Dude! We're not in elementary anymore! Shut up!" I said nudging Jessie playfully.

A/N: sorry for the short chapter, I'm getting tired so- GOOD NIGHT/DAY/AFTERNOON!!!!!!!!!!:3
426 words!

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