Sure Thing(do or die)

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It was now nearing 7 in the morning. We were far from tired and everyone was on high alert now. The zombies eventually left, though not without dirtying the windows and doors. We had Aaron check under the blackout curtain, and some of the sunlight had slipped in. The father, Michael, and his daughter Zoey were curled up sleeping in a booth. It was evident they hadn't slept in God knows how long as they've been sleeping since they were found and assessed for any bites.

Nancy was talking to Margot at her booth, and I wasn't too sure about what, but they were both smiling here and there. I honestly felt a bit creepy just watching everyone and their actions, but I couldn't help it as I felt anyone can turn against you without hesitance. Who could blame me though?

"Did you want some coffee?" Amy asked as she walked over with two cups in her hand. Not like I can deny now. "Sure" I said as I took the coffee. At least it wasn't straight black, and it also felt pretty warm in my hands.

"What do we have planned..." she said more like a question towards herself. I just shrugged while watching her sip her coffee, leaned back in her chair.

The chatter was starting to pick up inside the store, and I could see a bundle of red hair in the midst of all the people trying to "get ready" this morning. Of course it was Margot and she was probably heading to the back for something. I keep forgetting she works here.

"Soooo what exactly do we have planned? I mean we have been here for almost 24 hours and I can't take it anymore." Melé stated while sitting down floppily. She huffed while moving her curly hair out of her face. "I want to take a shower so bad, y'all don't even understand." She huffed again in annoyance. "I mean sure, we all do but there are definitely bigger issues to deal with, no?" I responded, crossing my arms. She just mumbled something incoherently before walking away towards Nate.

"Yay, one way to woo the girl." Amy deadpanned. I just eyed her before standing up myself. "Wait where are you going?" She sat up, gently placing her coffee down. "I'm going to talk to Aaron about plans or whatever." She nodded.

He was once again near Nancy. Sparking up conversation with her. I can definitely see why he's drawn to her. On top of saving her, she's also pregnant and she's due really soon.

"Hey y'all." I sat down next to Nancy with a small smile settling on my face. She returned the gesture and also moved over in the booth. Aaron eyed me while clenching his jaw. I don't know what pissed in his cheerios, but it has nothing to do with me.

"Can we help you?" He grunted. Well excuse me??

"I mean, yea? What's the plan? We can't hide out here forever.." I stated. He rolled his eyes in response and Nancy covered her belly, sinking into the booth more.

"You want to form a plan...when you can barely respond to stressful situations. Yea okay." He laughed. He literally laughed in my face, causing Nancy to look between us nervously. Oh this man was pissing me off.

"Can you fucking blame me? I mean the people we could watch walk down the street three days ago want to tear our fucking heads off, Aaron. I'm sorry that I won't react 'properly' to a situation like that. It's not everyday that you fucking wake up to Zombies infiltrating every street you know." I yelled back at him, causing the whole store to look our way. Aaron just stared at me with this look in his eye before cursing under his breath. He got up and stormed off to the back of the store.

I felt tears at the brim of my eye. Stupid bitch has me crying in front of everyone. "The fuck are y'all looking at??!!!" I hollered, making some people jump. "Hey calm down hun." Nancy touched my shoulder, but I shook it off before heading to the back of the kitchen myself. I know she meant well but I don't need the babying.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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