Love on the brain(literally help)

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   He yanked on my hair AGAIN as I was dozing off, my bad. It's not my fault math sucks. Nate stared at me with an unreadable expression. "Stop doing that before I kick your ass." I whined, massaging my scalp.

  "Then act like you care, im trying to pass senior year." He retorted back. I rolled my eyes as I tried to pay attention. My ex bf always told me I reminded him of an overbearing lesbian, whatever the hell that meant. I simply would ignore him because at that time nobody truly knew of my unholy desires to sleep with women. It's crazy though because he also had unholy desires to sleep with a man, sounds like he's the overbearing impulsive one. Nate wanted to tear him into shreds when I came crying that day to them, it was the worst feeling I had felt in awhile.

  I was in love for 8 months and It had felt like my world collapsed inward, though of course I was fine after I eventually had sex two years later with some guy. I will never admit that I had a Eureka moment after that, it's embarrassing. He sucked, bad.

  "What if we had sex?" I inquired to Nate as we broke off into our mini duos for class. He choked on air as he eyed me wearily. "Who drugged you? Do I need to fight someone? You have a fever, don't you?" He started feeling my forehead and assessing me.

  I swatted his hand away, "I'm serious dude. Like maybe that'll solve some things. I need to clear my mind, you know?" He looked at me like I was crazy.

  "No," he hesitated. "I don't know."

  "Well never mind that, if you change your mind just let me know." I stated, before focusing back onto our math.

  "Okay." He mumbled.

  "Have you ever heard of the term 'ran-through'?" Amy asked us while snacking on some nachos. I sometimes worry for the girl and her obsession with social media. "Girl, what?" I turned towards her. Her brother was braiding my hair, something he learned from her.

  "No, because this guy said that to me and I personally want to beat his ass, but I don't know if the definition is accurate. Can't fight a guy over something that might not be true." She ranted. "Says who?" Nate smirked. She didn't find it funny and threw a chip at him.

  "Owww, the hell Amy!?" I just laughed as they bickered. He had finished my braid so I shuffled out of the way, pulling my ankle length skirt out from under his foot.

  "I'm so serious you guys." Amy stated. I just looked at her with a grin plastered on my face. I was stretched across her couch using Nate as a foot rest, socks on of course. "Of course you're serious Amy, but maybe don't worry about it. He's a silly dumb guy and I wouldn't pay him any attention." She grumbled at my response before pondering over it. She shrugged and continued eating her nachos.

  "Let's watch Mean girls, the silence is uncomfortable." Amy grabbed the remote before flicking through channels. Between her and Nate, I've watched many classics over and over. Though I could never protest against seeing Karen. As dumb as she was, she was extremely pretty. Regina was too but she's a bitch and bitches bother me, simple.

  "Well, this will be the 23rd time we've seen this movie, and yes I've been counting." I complained dramatically.

  "Shut up you're literally in love with Amanda Seyfried." Nate said laughing. I smirked at him, "oh how could I forget my love? Never mind I'm down to watch it again." I positioned the pillow behind my head to get back comfortable. They chuckled at me before getting comfortable themselves, I was still using him as a footrest. Lover boy will just have to deal with it like always.

  Some time had passed at this point and I was starting to doze off into the second movie. It was Aliens vs Predators, another classic for me but this classic can wait another day.

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