Chap. 100

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It was finally time for lunch which meant Emma would be meeting up with Blake for the first time all day. She walking into the busy cafeteria eyes scanning around for him she sees him sitting in the far right corner table. He looked up from his plate noticing her she smiles sending him a wave before making her way towards the lunch lunch line. She picks up a dark blue tray before standing behind Raven and Heather how where chatting to deep in conversation to notice her "Your such a bitch Heather" Raven said while laughing putting a salad on her tray. Heather rolls her eyes before picking up a simple green apple "I'm just saying once she blows up she won't be able to do cheers with us anymore. Im sure you saw the video by now from this morning. Maybe we should pick a new cheer captain this year" Emma prtends not to hear them putting a chicken sandwich on her plate. Now she didn't have to worry about her weight as much as when she used to be in dance she came fully enjoy food again. Raven puts a bottle of water on her tray "I heard college's where calling her all summer about cheer scholarships. It would be totally fucked up if we let her get halfway through the year then kick her out like your suggesting" Heather takes a bit of her apple grinning "Well let's just not let her on the team at all. I think it's time for a new cheer captain don't you think? I mean it's her fault she was dumb enough to get herself knocked up" Raven laughs while nodding making Emma roll her eye's before picking up a bottled water. They both walk out of line still chatting Reina walks into the cafeteria looking a mess eyes all red. Emma rushes past the fake girls to the table where's Blake's waiting it was crazy how fake people are one minute your the queen of the school the next your best friends are plotting your down fall. Reina makes her way to the table to her so called friends it makes Emma cringe slightly. They Immediately start sucking up to her and kissing her ass like they weren't just talking crap about her. She sits in the spot across from Blake "Good news I'm pretty sure we aren't the center of attention anymore. Everyone is talking about that Reina girl getting knocked up. I'm sorry you couldn't enjoy the lime light longer" he said sarcastically with a smile. He picks up a fry chewing on it "Yah I saw it all first hand" she whispered picking up her sandwich taking a bite. He takes a sip of soda before continuing "I thought you hated that girl I have to say I was expecting you to be a little bit more happy about seeing your enemies downfall" she sighs looked over her shoulder at the table with Reina. She wasn't talking her head was down while Raven and Heather blabbed on and on "You would think so, maybe I just have to big of a heart. Despite her hurting me and humiliating me publicly I don't wanna see her suffer and I feel like her worlds about to fall apart..." she said before facing back forward seeing him smiling at her. He reaches out holding one of her hands "Your a good person Emma of course you don't wanna see all this happen. But she brought this on herself this is karma" he said before removing his hand continuing to eat. She nods at him taking a glance back one more time "Yah I guess your right" she whispered before facing forward.


It's been a few weeks since school started everything was going well for Emma people have completely moved on from her and Blake. They would have lunch together everyday and when he saw her in the hall he would kiss her on the cheek softly. And after school she didn't have to worry about anything other than violin practice and homework. Blake would come over to help and bring Alex along he would watch tv in the living room as they would do homework at the kitchen table. She decided to keep her job at The Underground secretly to make money she told her father she got a job and he let her us his car to her mother's protects. Though everything was looking perfect for her things seemed to go down hill fast for Reina. First off her so called friends kicked her off the cheer team or more like they didn't even let her try out that was a better term. Second she has completely lost her status as queen B of the school and was replaced by none of them Heather who Raven was now following around like a lost puppy. You would think why the hell would Emma care Reina was always a bully to her and never showed her any kindness. But honestly Emma felt bad for her this was their last year of highschool together and this was one hell of a way to spend it no friends and completely alone. It wasn't always this way between them Reina used to be a close friend of hers in elementary school. You wouldn't know by looking at them now but they used to live right next door to each other. Their parents would always let them hang out together have little educational get-togethers. Whether it was at museum's or libraries they we're always together she was the only friend Emma had. It all changed when Reina's father got a promotion and they moved away to the richer snobbier part of town. Emma didn't see or hear from her the whole summer she was gone then when they started middle school Reina came back a completely different person. The girl that Emma grow up with had turned into a spoiled brat. And the worst part was she just didn't even try to talk to Emma and build their friendship she just made new friends and left Emma behind alone. Maybe that's why Emma felt so bad seeing Reina broken down like this their history together was unresolved without a apology or a goodbye. The sad look on Reina's face was exactly how Emma felt when she realized that she was just lost her best friend. It's know doubt this year would definitely be alittle more drama then the others Emma just hoped she was ready for all of it.

(Mia note- Yaaaaay 100th chap! I honestly didn't think this story was going to get this far but it's writing itself tbh I'm so sucked into writing it.

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