23. August. 2277 - James Matthew Davis

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Rivet City.

Nearly two decades have barely aged it at all.

When I left the city, it had been in haste and in fear. I suppose it is only fitting my return to the city would be under those same conditions. Duress has never suited me well, yet, a fact of life, it is sometimes unavoidable. As for Rivet City, being back is in some ways a breath of fresh air and a return to normalcy but, in another way, a betrayal. Annie, dear daughter, please do not worry. I will return to the Vault as soon as I can. Amata, I am sure, will ensure you are safe and cared for in my absence. I had no choice but to leave.

Just as I did with you, so tiny in my arms, when you were but a baby.

Rivet City is a city one leaves but never forgets, the same as poignant memories. The day of your wedding, the birth of your child, the first steps made by your child, and first words spoken by your child. Catherine, please know, I will never forget you, how hard you fought for your life, and how hard you fought for our daughter's life. Though she never met you, she knows how much you loved her. She will always know the way you loved her. I have kept you that promise. Further, on my part, I always have with me the photograph of our wedding day, your gorgeous red hair, sparkling grey eyes, and pale skin preserved forever in my arms, protecting you and your fragile, tiny body, draped in the long white dress, adorned with stitched flowers and sparkling tulle. One day, I know our Annie will walk down the aisle in your dress, marrying the woman she adores and whom adores her. Amata will be a wonderful daughter in law, but an even better wife to our baby girl.

I hope you can see her now, and be as proud of her as am I. The greatest gift and honour is having her for a daughter, and, for you, I know a mother's love endures through all.

"Been a long time since we got a Vault Dweller around here," A voice says, causing me to turn around in surprise only to see a young man in uniform. "Name's Harkness. I – well, sometimes it feels like it's mostly me, anyways – keep everyone in Rivet City and in Rivet City Security in line. You visiting someone here, or are you passing through?"

"I'm looking for someone, as it happens," I reply, adjusting my backpack on my shoulders and tucking my briefcase under my right arm. "Does one Dr. Madison Li still live here? Or work here?"

He chuckles. "Yes, but don't mention it to Pinkerton. Man's still pissed off at her, pretty sure it's damn near a blood grudge at this point. Didn't realise Dr. Li had any friends, though, especially as far out as a Vault Dweller. She tends to keep to herself...and isn't exactly the warmest person."

"Really? She doesn't have any friends?" I say. "I'm rather shocked to hear that. She can be a tough nut to crack, but I've never known her to be completely frigid."

The young man called Harkness shrugs. "There is this one lady whose husband is up there in the Brotherhood Of Steel's ranks, but she seems like the only one. Her son would probably spend all his time around her and the others in the science lab out of curiosity alone. Gotta say, I'm just glad the kid ain't getting into trouble like his older sisters...yeah, those two especially."

"Some simply have an inquisitive spirit, and, yes, it truly is a wonderful thing to see," I say with a faint smile. "Do you, by chance, know what projects Dr. Li is working on at the moment?"

"Way I understand it, she and her team are working on increasing crop yield, and she's, mostly by herself, doing the upkeep on the reactor keeping the lights on throughout this place – although she's training some twenty somethings how to do it properly – and working with portable fusion power," Harkness pauses. "She's been drawing up plans to improve our clean water filters; the quicker we can remove radiation from the water, the better, but scaling it up for the entire city is proving to be a hell of a bitch to do. Sounds like the solution is going to be to put multiple stations working in different parts of the city. Definitely need it; our population is over five thousand, now."

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