Alyssa vs Letty

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Alyssa arrives at the street race to see Letty's car. Alyssa smirks as she pulls up alongside Letty Letty glances over at the car next to her to see Alyssa. You know I was wondering where you took off to earlier Letty says to Alyssa well I can't answer that who's asking anyway Alyssa asks looking at Letty. I am Letty says to Alyssa well let's race then I'll tell you Alyssa says You got balls you know that Letty says Alyssa lets out a chuckle look sister I didn't come here to chat I came here to race so are we talking or are we racing Alyssa says to Letty. Letty thought about it for a minute then turned her head towards the road good answer Alyssa says. The Lady comes over and starts the race. Alyssa pops a wheelie and pulls her joystick back and gets ahead of Letty. Letty starts to feel timid by Alyssa Letty tries to pass Alyssa but Alyssa doesn't let that happen Alyssa pulls her Joystick sideways as she goes drifting through the crowd Letty was amazed. Impressive Letty mumbles they keep racing Alyssa continues to be ahead of Alyssa they see the finishing line ahead Letty pulls ahead but Alyssa pulls her joystick back and gets ahead of Letty and crosses the finish line first. Alyssa looks at Letty and gives her the signal they went somewhere to chat

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