Alyssa and Hobbs

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We lost Ivory and Alyssa Letty says as she and Jah get out of the car he's gone Letty says to the team. Thank Shaw says that's it Letty says if Ivory's dead you made a mistake Owen says if you make a mistake you pay the price Owen says to Letty. Owen starts explaining everything Letty finds Owen's talking amusing. That's great eulogy Shaw Letty says. Are you going to use the same speech for the rest of us when we go out? Letty says Walking away Letty starts working on her car As she is working on her car Letty is wondering where Alyssa took off to. Riley, Gisele, Rome, Han, and Alyssa slowly walk back in what happened Hobbs asks we met Dom's girlfriend and your wife Riley says. Hobbs was confused Han points to Alyssa. Hobbs turns to see Alyssa Brian looks to see his sister. Hobbs goes walking over to Alyssa. I'll leave if you don't wanna see me Alyssa says to Hobbs. Um no you can stay I'm just happy your here and that your alive Hobbs says causing Alyssa to smile. Come on Hobbs says as he clutches Alyssa's hand the two of them walk back to the team

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