Chapter 34

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By the time they're done and the star is up on the top of the tree it's dark out, and Derek offers to drive Stiles home, "Since my sister kidnapped you," he explains on the way there, "it's the least I can do."

"No, it was great! I don't-" Stiles flounders for a second. "My dad has to work a lot over the break, and most of my friends are tied up with family stuff. It was really nice, spending time with you, with all of you," he hastily corrects, "today. I haven't gone tree-hunting since I was a kid, and decorating a tree is really different with that many people. It's nice. Really nice."

Derek turns his head to check his mirrors, but Stiles catches sight of a small smile anyway. "I'm glad," he says quietly.

They pull up in front of his house and Stiles turns quickly, before he loses his nerve. "Stay here for a second, okay? I have something for you." He bolts out of the car and inside, grabs the extra large tin of cookies for Derek and runs back outside, sliding back into the car since it's even colder now that the sun has set. "I just, I wanted to say thank you, and Merry Christmas, I guess. So these are for you."

Slowly, Derek pulls off the ribbon and opens the tin, the corners of his mouth tilting up when he sees what's inside.

"I mean, those seemed to be your favorite," Stiles continues because seriously sometimes he just can't shut his mouth even if he wants to, "so I thought, these ones you wouldn't have to share if you didn't want to. Obviously you can share them if you want! But I don't know how long you're staying after Christmas and really, they're not as good after a few days, so-"

"Stiles," Derek cuts in, closing the lid carefully and pinning him with his gaze, "these were definitely my favorite. Thank you."

"No problem," Stiles says, eyes wide and heart rabbiting. He needs to get out of the car before he does something stupid like lean forward and kiss that half smile right off Derek's stupidly endearing face. "Have a great Christmas. I guess I'll see you in the new year. Bye!"

He bolts out of the car and inside, slamming the door and leaning back against it, breathing hard. "Stiles? Is that you?" his dad calls from upstairs. "Food should be here in a bit! Clear the table!"

He will. He just needs a second to get his heart under control.

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