Rule Number Four: Put A Bell On The Cutie

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Russia hummed to himself, walking with Cuba back to the locker room. America was walking in front of them- America was attractive. He averted his gaze from America; not wanting to stare at the other too much, knowing very well his friend was extremely willing to call him out for staring at America's ass.

As soon as they were in the locker room, he watched as America went off into one of the bathroom stalls, the other wasn't comfortable with anyone seeing his body- which was understandable. But he disagreed, America was hot and cute- he should be a bit more confident with and in his body.

But what did he know, people were assholes, so America probably had some reasons.

He got himself changed and took his bag out of his locker. He waved goodbye to Cuba as he walked out of the locker room. He made his way back to the main building, taking out another sticky note and writing down "You're beautiful." on it, considering writing his name on it as well... But he ultimately decided against it, he'd already fucked up really bad and America might take it as sarcastic if he did. He hid himself and waited for America to come by his own locker so that he could see America's reaction. He wanted to see if the note made America feel better; he certainly hoped it would.

He watched as America came to his locker and then gently pulled it off his locker to read it. He noticed that America blushed a little and smiled, holding the sticky note against his chest. After a moment, he saw America re-stick the sticky note to his locker and pull his binder. He then watched as America opened it and stuck the sticky note to the inside of it.

Russia smiled a little and looked away from America, deciding to head to his next class. Soon he reached the classroom of his next class, which was AP chemistry if he remembered correctly.

He walked towards the classroom, finding that he was trailing behind America. He doubted that they shared this one too - how in the world could the two of them share all of their classes? He shook it off and continued towards the classroom. He turned into the classroom, taking a seat in the classroom. He looked over, only to find the damned adorable shorty.

He'd be damned, he shared all of his classes with America. That meant America was definitely extremely smart, as all their classes (aside from gym) were Advanced Placement college level classes.

America was cute and smart, God he wished he hadn't fucked up so badly. He hoped that maybe - eventually- America could forgive him. He wished that a chance might come with that, though he doubted he'd get one after how bad of a first impression he had made.

He sighed a little as their class started, their teacher actually wasn't present. Instead of seeing the tall older man he'd met at orientation, he saw a kind-looking older woman of color. She walked around the room with an attendance sheet, seeming to hand out little packets of paper to each student.

She got to him and checked him off before continuing, her voice had been quite kind. After she'd left him, he started to fill out his packet of papers, which was a lot of stuff he thought was quite simple. He was a little under halfway through by the time he was snapped out of his thoughts by a fake cough and the woman starting to speak.

"Hello, I'm your substitute, My name is Mrs. Smothers. If you have any questions or need any help, come to me. Your teacher Mr. Reindheart left me with an answer key to the packets, come check your work when you're done." She said before taking a seat again.

Russia looked over and watched as America started to write, the other seemed to be halfway through one of the pages, so it was clear he hadn't been the only one to have the idea of starting early. He smiled a little before getting back to his own work. He found himself working through it pretty quickly.

Once he was done, he did a quick check over of his own work to see if he thought he'd done it right. Once he was content, he went over to where he had seen the answer sheet placed down and carefully went over his answers, finding that he'd answered correctly as he thought he had. He then went to go back to his seat, only to find that America was right behind him.

Jesus Christ the cutie was silent, he'd have to put a bell on him if he was always this quiet! He thought in jest, honestly- he'd be happy to learn to live with the quiet of America's steps. Though how the other's parents dealt with it or had fostered that habit, he didn't know nor want to know.

He kept an eye on America for a second before making his way back to his seat at the back of the classroom. By the time he got there, he looked over to look at America, who was still checking his answers against the sheet. He wasn't doing so for long though, he noticed. As the other just walked back to his spot, which was apparently a few spots away from him. He once again noticed that he couldn't hear America's footsteps, which he found very odd.

He hid his phone under his desk, texting to ask Cuba if he'd noticed that America's footsteps were just... Absent. Then he remembered that Cuba's phone was taken, and he let out a little groan, knowing he wouldn't get an answer for a while.

He looked around, trying to decide how he should distract himself for the rest of the time. He wasn't nearly tired enough for a nap, America seemed to be aware of when people were looking at him, and he could draw for shit. He sighed a little, looking back at the note that America had responded to and smiled. The little drawing America had done of himself was still absolutely adorable. It didn't make him any less confused by the little ponytail America had given himself. It was cute, he wouldn't lie, but he didn't understand why America had drawn it on himself. He tucked the note away after admiring the little drawing America had left, and the other's neat handwriting, he tucked the note away carefully.

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