Role-call and Dodgeball

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America blushed, hoping that whoever had come in hadn't seen him, he'd rather not have anyone know of his freckles. He knew he should've worn the sleeve that covered his chest... But then again, it was gym and he didn't feel like being hotter than necessary. He sighed a little, getting changed into the gym clothes as quickly as he could. He collected the sleeve that covered his neck and separated it from the one that that was for his chest. He pulled off his sunglasses and pulled it over his head so that it covered his neck and the freckles on it. He'd put the chest one back on after gym, that way he wouldn't have to worry about it before cheer.

He stepped out of the stall and put the chest sleeve into his bag, and then his bag into his locker. He locked his locker and looked around to see who was there and getting ready. He saw Russia, Anton, Bryan, Eli, and Cuba. He waved at Cuba, as he'd known Cuba as someone who had been kind to him. He then continued out of the locker room, choosing to wait outside so that he wouldn't be late nor seen as more weird. He sighed quietly and went over to the water fountain.

He took a few sips of water from the fountain while he waited for some of the other students to come out of the locker room so he wasn't the first in the gym.

After he saw a couple people exit the locker room, who he subconsciously notes were Cuba and Russia, he followed them to the gymnasium quietly.

Once they were there, it was a waiting game until role call, which would be five minutes after the bell rang. The bell was arguably loudest in the gym, and it always made America flinch. He hoped that the other two in the room hadn't noticed that though. But if the way Russia's expression had changed was to go by, he wasn't so lucky.

He couldn't quite decipher what Russia's expression meant though.

He shrugged it off as best he could and waited for their coach, Coach Faulk, to start rolling call for what felt like an eternity. He tried to keep himself from focusing on the time by thinking about some of his art projects he'd been working on.

He was dragged out of these thoughts by Coach Faulk calling role. He also noticed that the usual subjects for being late to role call were late, he wasn't sure why they continued to be late, he saw most of them get to the locker room in time to be ready and not get in any trouble. Though it wasn't really his business, if they wanted to run those laps and get calls home, that was their call he supposed.

They showed up a bit after role call ended, while everyone who was already there was doing warmups and doing the five laps that they had to do before they got to actual activities. America kept to himself, finishing up his stretches as he listened to the kids get scolded. He didn't envy the two extra laps they had to do around the gymnasium for each three minutes late they were. They were nine minutes late, like always. He had no envy for them.

America hummed, he'd been called fairly early into role call, so he already had his laps done, he was just stretching more at this point. Once he was content with his stretches, he made his way over to the area with mats so that he could get some of his cheer practice in. His shirt was tucked into his pants, so he had nothing to worry about in the realm of revealing his body.

He hummed to himself, deciding to start with some roles, stretches, and other things he'd learned.

Eventually he heard the Coach call everyone back, so he landed again and ran over to rejoin his classmates. Today they were playing dodgeball, nearly everyone's favorite.

The girls were weight training today, according to his friend Japan. Though he figured as much, as they alternated days on how the facilities were utilized. He personally was not looking forward to the entire lecture that Coach Faulk was going to be giving over weight safety, as he already knew the information. What would it say about him, someone who wanted to be in the medical field, if he didn't? Well, probably not much now that he thought more about it. It was just very useful information, in his personal opinion.

He waited as the coach separated them into teams, he was in a team with six of his classmates: Eli, Evan, Anthony, Noah, Lucas, and Andrew. He waited for the matches to be determined, and who his team would be playing against.

Some of his teammates really disliked him: Noah, Andrew, and Anthony had made their dislike of him clear with their treatment of him. He knew they were the type to purposely get out quickly so that he was left on his own with Eli, Evan, and Lucas.

Once his match started, what he expected happened, Noah, Andrew, and Anthony got themselves out within the first few minutes. He was dodging really well, it was like second nature to him. He and his teammates had managed to get two of the opposing team out so far, which wasn't half bad.

It was four to three, then two as Evan failed to dodge a ball.

He managed to catch a ball, bringing Evan back into the game and knock off another player of the opposing team. After that they picked off another one of the opposing team's members, before one of the opposing team's members caught a ball Eli had thrown, making it an uneven game. It was now two to three. Then one to three as Evan got hit again.

So he kept dodging, managing to eliminate another player from the opposing team. The game was quite unfair, he noted mindlessly as he dodged quite a few balls, dodging as he slid to grab another.

He managed to knock it down to a two to one- quite a bit more fair than three to one. He quickly picked up another ball, throwing it and hitting out another member.

It was now a one on one, he could do this. When the other person threw a ball at him, he managed to catch it, winning the match.

He dropped the ball and nervously crossed to the other side, holding out his hand for a handshake as a show of goodwill.

He noticed that the other person was Cuba, someone he was pretty sure didn't mind him.

"G-good game" He stuttered nervously as he held his hand out for a handshake.

Cuba shook his hand and he smiled.

He watched the other two teams play around, zoning out a bit until his team was told to play against another team. It started the same as the previous match, the only difference being how he and the team that bothered to try to play didn't lose members as quickly, staying at three until it was three to one.

The last person was knocked out by Eli, winning them the match. America opted to shake hands with the other team again, having enjoyed the game despite not really liking dodgeball.

They watched as the other team played another round before everyone was to run a couple more laps before they went back to the locker room to get changed and head to their next classes.

America found himself zoned out as he watched the last match then ran the laps. He was looking forward to his last class of the day, AP chemistry.

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