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Info on mercy:D

(Also I forgot that I made this so very sorry for the wait!)
Mercy is basically extrovert
They are really out going and talkative. But don't worry they aren't those people who spill everything. They know limits and boundaries.

You both met in college, first year. You had moved to the collage dorms since it was cheaper than the apartments. They were your neighbor, mercy had made cookies and wanted to make friends so they decided it would be perfect to invite you over. At first it was akward but over the time you guys became the close of friends.

To other people it might seem like a unstable friendship, but you guys understand each other in your own way which is why you're very close.

You both are like gossip besties.

Mercy is female but they go by any pronouns. They also bi so if ya homophobic fuck off :D👍

Any questions about them don't be afraid to ask I'll make sure to answer and update this!

Any questions about them don't be afraid to ask I'll make sure to answer and update this!____________________________________

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I ain't gonna say when next chapters out cuz I'm extremely horrible with timing
So random updates



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