Chapter 3: Kion's Scar

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As the sun began to rise Kion woke up feeling a little hazy, he noticed that Rani was still lying on him but decided not to move as he didn't want to wake her.

"Morning Kion, I know you're already awake." Rani says with a slight chuckle

"Oh, good morning." Kion says with a smile

"So.... got anything to do today?" Rani asks

"Yeah I was meant to go to Chika Escarpment yesterday but didn't, so I guess I could go there today. What about you?" Kion asks

"Well, I don't think I have anything to do today which is odd." Rani says

"That means we'll be able to spend some time with each other." Kion says with a smirk

"Yeah I guess so. Well I'm going to get some water." Rani replies

Rani walks up to Kion and licks his cheek and as she walks out of the lair she says "Kion I meant what I said yesterday."

"I know." Kion replies

As Rani begins to walk to the lake she hears an animal crying out for help and tries to follow the sound. She begins to sprint as she realises that she's getting closer to the animal that's calling out. She starts to catch on to the scent of leopards and becomes on high alert. Two leopards jump from the trees above and pin Rani to the ground.

"You again!?" Rani says

"Yep, it sure is us. We know Kion isn't stable and can't control the roar after he us roared away with such intent." The leopard says

"Yes he is, I know he is." Rani replies

Both the leopards look up at each other then look back down at Rani and burst out into laughter

"YeS hE iS, i KnOw He Is." The leopard said mocking Rani

Rani was tussling even harder to try and get back up but the leopard pinned her down even harder putting a slight cut in her neck. The leopard had suddenly thought of an idea that may just work. They begin to walk towards the Tree Of Life with the leopard dragging her by her scruff with a plan no one has discovered yet.

One of the leopards knock on the tree and says "Kion, we know you're in there. We have Rani so you better come out."

As soon as Kion hears Rani's name he rushes out but when he comes out he sees her bleeding from her neck. Kion goes silent... there were no thoughts inside his head his mind was blank but the fury and rage started to build up inside of him. He gets into a low stance and begins slowly walking to them as dark clouds start to form behind him

"Drop her now!" Kion says in a chilling voice with killer eyes 

The leopard felt Kion's rage and it made him shiver. Kion leaped at the leopard that was holding Rani, Kion seemed as if he was possessed by some sort of evil nature. Rani was on the ground unconscious due to the amount of blood she had lost. Kion clawed the leopard's right eye causing him to be unable to see out of that eye.

"You shouldn't have returned. Now you'll pay the price." Kion said filled with rage

The other leopard sensed that Kion was most likely going to kill them so he ran as fast as he could through the mountain pass and escaped the Tree realising that there was no way the plan of him making Kion give up the Tree was going to work seeing the current state he's in. However that leopard was unable to properly escape due to the guard coming right round the corner. 

"Heyyy, I recognise you! You're that leopard that tried to sneak up on Kion and Queen Rani!" Ono said

"Kion has gone crazy, he's probably about to kill my friend!" The leopard stated

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