The Call

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Chapter 1:

"Good afternoon Moordale! Thank you for joining myself, Dr. Jean Milburn and of course my son Otis."

"Yes, thank you for tuning in. My mom and I are here to take your calls regarding your concerns, curiosities or general questions about sex and intimacy."

"Feel free to talk about anything. Between Otis and I we will strive to address whatever you need. Nothing is taboo."

"We have Alyssa on the line mom wishing to talk about being pressured into anal sex by her boyfriend."

"Go ahead Alyssa. We are listening....."

A couple of hours later.

" again I want to stress that you have done nothing wrong Brad. Trying new things, experimenting if you like, is a wonderful way to discover new ways to bring pleasure to yourself and your partner. Feeling hesitant or shy to initiate something or to try something new is normal, but honest discussion with your partner will break those walls down and allow you to take new journeys together."

"Totally agree mom."

"We now have Emma on the line to discuss what she feels is an inability to please her partner."

"Thank you mom. Go ahead Emma we are listening."

"Sorry, but I lied about it being a sex question."

Otis suddenly sits straight up intently listening for the voice. A little doubtful.

"It's a relationship question, but it's a terribly important one...It matters to me."

"Well I for one will consider it a nice change of pace. Let me assure you that I have been a practicing sex and relationship therapist for many years. My son Otis has his Masters in psychology and is currently working towards his doctorate. A long journey...six or seven years now Otis?"

He nods, waiting for the voice to return again. Less doubtful now.

"I have the utmost faith that he can also address your concerns. So what do you wish to talk about Emma?"

"I left a boy that I loved seven years ago to follow my dreams in America."

Otis knows for sure now.

"I did attain my dream becoming a successful writer. But I have never stopped thinking of Oscar or what he meant to me."

Otis starts to tear up a little. Jean notices that something is happening.

"I moved back to Moordale a month ago and live with my little sister and her stepmother. I've wanted to contact Oscar every day since I've returned...but to be honest I'm scared. I'll admit that of course I've been involved with men in America, but nothing really stuck.  And now I can't stop thinking if perhaps he was luckier in the love department. Has he moved on? Is he married or involved with someone? Does he even think about me? Would he like to see me and talk? Is there even a faint hope that he still shares the feelings that I still have?"

Jean now knows as well. She doesn't need to see his tears to know.

"May I ask why you didn't remain in touch over the years?"

"At first it was the knowledge that we couldn't stay in contact. He was right about that. It truly would have been too hard to hear his voice or see him on the phone. Whenever I came home to visit I was so tempted to contact him, but I didn't want the pain again when I left. For either of us. Then over time life happens and the opportunities slip through your fingers. He still texts me Happy Birthday! every year. One past midnight, my time. Every year. I always look forward to that day the most. I tell myself that this will be the year I would respond. And every year I regret not responding, not calling, not trying. That was just stupid fear on my part. I know he would never intentionally hurt me, but it would have hurt me terribly if he was unavailable."

Call-in: A Maeve/Otis reunion story.Where stories live. Discover now