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trigger warning: mention of mental health struggle (like depression, struggle of eating, etc)
ʚ‎‏ ͜ ̩͙ ︵ ̩͙ ୨ ♡ ୧ ̩͙ ‏︵ ̩͙ ͜ ɞ
1 month and couple weeks since graduation...
I've been trying to tell Jordan for weeks now that I like her. Since graduation, me and her just been texting over insta dms and haven't stopped, most of the time I get ready to tell her then I shut down and don't tell her at all. Asher thinks I should stop being a pussy and tell her while on the other hand his amazing girlfriend is saying i should take my time but make sure it's before we head to college since we're going to have a apartment together. (His girlfriend is Ramona, I won the bet.)

Ramona, Asher and I are all hanging out playing Minecraft in my room. We thought that maybe if we invite Jordan over to hang out with us, it be easier for me to tell her, so as we're playing we wait for her to come.


I head downstairs to open the door to Jordan whose dressed in jorts and a hello kitty crop top with her hair in two pigtails, I lead her to my room where Ramona and Asher are arguing about who let them get killed in the mines while I was gone.  Jordan giggles as she places her stuff and sits down right next to where I'm sitting, Asher and Ramona goes to get some drinks for all of us while me and Jordan talks.

"Question." I say.

"Hit me!" Jordan exclaimed.

"If you liked someone, what would you do?

"Honestly, I wouldn't be the best person to ask since I can't even ask my own crush out or just tell her in general."

"WAIT! whose your crush!?"

"I'm not telling you that!"

As Jordan goes back and forth with me about telling me her crush, which she won't, i climb on top of her and hold her down to the ground. I told her that's if she want to get let go then she needs to tell me who it is right now. 

Ramona and Asher walks in looking at us with wide eyes, we both try to explain to them that it's not what it looks like and that I was just trying to find something out about Jordan. They don't believe us but they move on and started talking about a party invite to all the seniors.

"A house party invite just got sent to all seniors for our last part before college." Ramona said excitedly.

And she wasn't wrong because when I unlock my phone I see a group chat with the message that says:
7 p.m to 2 a.m
booze and gas all night long
bring glow in the dark necklaces and bracelets
address: 7395 xxxxxxxxxxxxx

I look at Ramona and Jordan and say that I'm probably not going to go. They beg for me to go but I just kept saying no, Asher had to tell them both to back off about me going to the party, he gets protective when it come to stuff like this.

Now here's the thing I tend to get mentally ill a lot to the point I'm on meds, and when I do I chose to only hang out with people I trust, to not leave the house, only ever sleep, don't eat and a lot of crying and mental abuse towards myself and it's been like that for a few weeks now. I think it's from the fact I'm going to college and that I'm going to be away from my best friend since birth for a while (Asher). So I really don't think I'm good for parties right now but then again it's the last party before college so who knows.

ʚ‎‏ ͜ ̩͙ ︵ ̩͙ ୨ ♡ ୧ ̩͙ ‏︵ ̩͙ ͜ ɞ

Jordan and Ramona left a few hours later after playing ton of games with them. I lay in bed and Asher still sitting there now looking me.

"You know you don't have to go right?" He said.

"I know and even though I don't think I should party right now, it would be a great way to remember the end of high school. I was also thinking I tell Jordan." I hesitated.

"Well if you do go, most definitely make sure you tell her. She seems to care about you a lot you know, she actually asked me if you were okay before she left."

"I will and really?"

"Yeah it was a bit shocking at first but i told her you'll be okay, so she might text just to check in my genuinely, ask her out."

I start to think about everything Asher just said to me and how I will tell Jordan for when I do and I just get scared and nervous with every way that I come up with. That's when I remember what Asher did for Ramona when he asked her out. He simply told her but with a poem he hand wrote, so i start writing and once it's finished I fold it place it in my desk and wait for the day of the party.

W/C : 891
A/N: if there's hella typos or misspells it's because i'm half asleep right now.

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