Chapter 1 Escaped

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~The Enchanted Forest (Past)~

I was hiding in my room from my mother. She had me running errands all day, which included killing a few people and making trades. I was mentally exhausted. I figured out how to spell my room, so when my mother looked in the room, she couldn't see me.

"Phoenix, I wasn't done talking to you!" She boomed when the door swung open. She looked around for a moment and then left. I let out a sigh of relief. It was finally quiet. I got up and walked to the balcony. The wind blowing my long blue hair back. It's blue, so that means I'm calm and relaxed. My hair changes based on my mood. I can change it whenever I want. But for the most part, I let it do its thing. I looked up at the night sky, seeing all the bright stars. I did this every night, somehow still holding out hope that things will change.

"I wish..." I spoke softly, a tear running down my face. I opened my eyes to see a blue glowing light coming towards me. A fairy.

"I hear your wish." Her voice was soft. "But unfortunately, I can't grant a wish like that." I sighed.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Call me Blue." She smiled so sweetly.

"What do I do? I don't want to be this way anymore. I hate hurting people, but when I disobey, she hurts me. I'm so scared."

"There's always a way. You have strong magic in you. It's stronger than I've ever seen before." Her words confused me.

"My parents told me that there's limits. That bad thing will happen if I mess with my magic."

"Yes, magic has its limits. If you use it for the wrong reasons. That's dark magic. That's what your parents have forced you to use."

"Is there good magic? Is that what you're using? How do I do that?" She smiled at my many questions.

"Yes. You are more than capable of it." Her words gave me hope.

"I wished every night to be free. Why have you not come sooner?"

"You admitted to yourself that you don't want to be this way anymore. That you don't want to use dark magic. You accepted there's another path. A path of good."

"How do I do it then? All I feel is dark magic."

"By using it to gain your freedom and to better yourself. Dark magic is used for power, and you don't need power, just freedom. Think about your happiness and what it would mean to you. Don't use it for selfish reasons. Ignore all the bad thoughts."

I closed my eyes and took a breath. I thought about the ocean. How free it is and what it would be like to sail it. The calm seas, using the stars to guide my way. Then something amazing happened. I felt power rush through me. I felt so light. The weight of the darkness off my shoulders. I opened my eyes, and my body was glowing. I felt like I could conquer anything.

"You did it! That's light magic in you. All you have to do is stay on that path, and you will find your own way."

"Thank you, blue." She smiled then flew away in the night. I felt beyond amazing. I'm stronger than I thought. I can leave this place once and for all. I twirled around, and the magic shot from my hands, like electricity. It came to an end when I saw my mother standing in the doorway.

"What do you think you're doing?" I was frozen. "How are you wielding light magic? That's impossible." I shook my head.

"No, mother. Impossible was me thinking that I couldn't leave this place. Now I can."

"You're supposed to be dark. That's how I raised you." She drew a fireball in her hand. With quick thinking, I was able to use my powers to stuff it out.

The Girl With The Blue Eyes (Killian Jones)Where stories live. Discover now