Chapter 1 - The girl in Red Hair

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Italics means Action

Bold means Thinking

Underline means POV Change


"Oh man, I can't wait to get home. School has been such a drag today" Y/N said as he slowly walked to his house.

Y/N had opened the door and there was his mom cooking dinner for the family "Hey mom, dad home yet?" 

"No not yet sweetie. He should be home soon it's already 5" Y/N's Mom replied. Usually your dad was home by then but maybe he was backed up at work. "Did you get your homework done?"

"Yea I got it done at school, that's why I came home a little later. Not only that I was hanging out with Issei for a little" That was a total lie. Yea I had gotten my homework done but I was really just roaming around the school. Not that my home life was bad but I just preferred to be out and about.

"Very good then. You know, you should invite your friend Issei over one day. He seems liked a sweet boy" Mom said with a nice smile

"If only you knew what he was really like then maybe I wouldn't be so sure" Y/N mumbled under his breath. 

"What was that?" Your mom asked. "Oh sorry nothing, I was just talking to myself" you hesitantly replied

Y/N's Mom had a face of concern "You know. You've been doing that an awful lot lately, you were never one to do that during your freshman and sophomore years. Have you been alright?"

Y/N's Mom has always been the type to care for her child no matter what. Ever since Y/N was born, he was her everything and she couldn't bare anything to happen to him. To a certain point though as she's not one of those overprotective and crazy ones, no she was a perfect mix of caring but stern.

"Yea, I've been fine mom." Y/N said as he kicked his feet up on the coffee table and watched some TV

*Knock* *Knock*

"That must be your dad, I'll get it" Y/N Mom went to go open the door and sure enough there was Y/N's Dad

"Hey honey, sorry I'm late. I was backed up at work today it was insane" Y/N's Dad said with a smile "Hey Champ, how was school?"

"Eh, it was alright. Boring as always, got a 98% on my Honors Biology test. How was work?"

Y/Ns Dad went and sat down next to Y/N "Man, it was exhausting. Some idiot deleted half of our work files so most of us were stuck trying to retrieve it. Anyways Honors Biology seems to easy I don't know why you didn't just move up to AP buddy"

You gave your dad a stotic look "What can I say? I'm lazy but smart, it's just who I am"

"I wonder who he got that from" Your Mom giggled as she set down the plates on the dinner table

Y/Ns Dad looked at her with a "Seriously?" expression

"Well kid, you're doing good in your classes so I can't really complain about anything, we're proud of you. One thing though. Y/N there will be a point in your life where it's not gonna be easy, you're gonna have to stop being lazy just to survive, never forget that" Y/Ns Dad facial expressions changed as he was talking, he was serious

Damn that kinda struck a cord with me, eh it's whatever though

"Your Dads right, you'll know when you have to work beyond your limits Y/N. We love you and we just want to let you know so you don't fall behind." Y/N Mom added

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