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While me king and Eda were inside i was looking out the window thinking about Matt and amity along with the most random things while kings was taking his 100th nap of the day when Eda was making something to eat,

Then a couple minutes later I heard Eda's scroll ding I yelled out "EDA SOMEONE TEXTED YOU!" She yelled back "CAN YOU SEE WHO IT IS?" I got up and went to check who it was, and surprise surprise it was Steve he must text Eda a lot I thought to myself before going to Eda and telling her who it was from she then asked what it said I read out what it was saying hey Eda I kinda need your help... again 😅 she then said to reply with be there in a couple of minutes so I did

When she was done making spaghetti she put some in a container to bring with her then she told me no funny business when she was gone and put a orange thing above her head to keep the rain off her then she flew off to wear they lived, a couple minutes go by and i pick up my phone to text 2 certain people

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