Waiting together

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Matt looked around for someone before he saw me sitting on the steps he smiled then looked up checking aging before taking out his scroll I sneaked up behind's him looking at his texts with him texting this Steve guy aging "when are coming to pick me up?" I asked who Steve was before he could answer willow and Gus came out and came up with some excuses to get me away from him then pulled me away from him and the school I asked why they didn't want me near him but before I could hear a answer from them Eda and king came and said "come on kid time to go home!" I said by to Gus and willow and hopped on Eda's staff as she asked me about my day, as I told her about my day she that's good kid and stuff like that, when we got back to the owl house Eda said that someone would be coming over to get some food I nodded ok and a couple minutes later there was a knock at the door

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