PART 30- Meenakshi's words to Bondita.

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" bondita come back. Come back bondita. You will fall down." again said meenakshi making nothing great kaka and his nephew come out of their world.

" I will not. Shubham will save me. Isn't it? " asked bondita to Shubham.

" your husband will save you always." replied Shubham.

" yes you will save me. " said she with a smile to which Shubham too smiled but after sometimes his figure started vainishing in air which tensed bondita.

" no no no Shubham I am also coming. Wait for me. " shouted she and moves forward while all shouted deadly.

" Bondita/bahu/didi..."

Everyone's eyes widen in shock seeing her crossing the railing of window but gets relief when anirudh on righ time pulled her to himself this saving her from falling.

Anirudh comes inside the room by jumping off from her room door's window which is present in upper part of door. In fact in everyone's room a small window is also present in their room's door so that in emergency it can be used when door is locked or stucked. They all in panick forget about it but at the right moment anirudh remembered it and with the help of batuk and somnath, he climbed on them and jumped off from it inside the room and after opening door knob immediately went towards her pulling her strongly yet slowly not to hurt her and the child inside her.

Due to sudden pull, bondita gets collided with anirudh and closed her eyes in fear. He whose heartbeat is already high, too can feel her heartbeat and breathing fast. He unknowingly tugged the hair behind her left ear which is falling on her and wipes off her sweats while he can see her shaking may be due to sudden pull.

But after hearing everyone's voice and seeing them coming he comes out of his concern and made a good distant regretting what is he is doing.

" bondita what are you going to do? " asked meenakshi angrily shaking bondita who is shaking still.

"bahu what are doing? Is it good to behave like this? " asked T.K too with a concern.

" answer me bondita? " asked again meenakshi yelling at her.

"maa...maa...shu...shu..bham..shubham. I want to go to him. " said she pulling her hand from anirudh's grip who is till now holding her.

Bondita looked at the window side only to see shubham not present there. She gets restless and started telling where is he? And not listening meenakshi who is trying to make her understand and saying something. And at last seeing her this behaviour, she just slapped her hard making her stumbled her on her place but anirudh again holds her from getting disbalanced while all gets shocked. Bondita looked upward with teary eyes touching her right cheek which turned red due to slap.

" samdhan ji. " saying TK but meenakshi didn't listened him.

" enough, enough now. Till now everyone is tolerating you and your this behaviour doesn't meant that what you are doing is right." yelled meenakshi angrily taking heavy angry breathe glaring her.

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