No Respect Battle

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"Are you gonna bring your glasses?" Minah asked Xin with confusion, and Xin responded with a nod and a smile.

"Mm.. unfortunately, I forgot to get a contact lense so I think I need to use my glasses for the meantime." Xin said, fixing her hair in the mirror before donning her favorite beanie and glasses, with Minah watching quietly.

"Done!" Minah immediately gave her a wide smile and a thumbs up, prompting Xin to reciprocate with a grin.

"Let's go?" Minah asked and was about to pull her towards the others when Xin stopped her.

"Stay put." She then looked for her brush and fixed Minah's hair, making the latter beam a flustered smile. "There!" Xin clapped her hands happily before dragging the younger girl towards the others.

"Woahh. Cool, cool!" Bada approved when the two finally joined them.

The girls had finished exchanging outfits and were now gathering in the middle of their room, with Bada calling out.

"Whatever happens, just let yourselves enjoy, okay?" Bada reminded while looking at each of her members with a reassuring smile.


"Let's go! We can do it!"


"Don't you have any words, Ms. Founder?" Bada looked up at Xin who just playfully rolled her eyes with an amused grin.

"Ani. I already know that y'all are gonna do your best." She stated which made everyone cooed at her touching words, "Just.. whatever they've said about us earlier, prove them wrong." She smiled sweetly at them, tapping each of their backs in comfort.

"Ho, ho, ho! That's my dongsaeng! Come here!" Bada proudly shouted, pulling Xin beside her to playfully lock her head around her arms, taking the latter by surprise.

"YAH, BADA LEEEE!!! YOU'RE RUINING MY HAIRRR!!!!" Xin cried while struggling to get out from Bada's hold.

The other girls watched them with smiles on their faces, grateful that their two leaders were well and together in this show. It was a sight that warmed their hearts.

"What a poor baby." Tatter teased the girl after Bada let go with an evil laugh. She then pulled Xin closer to her, who was still glaring at Bada with a pout. "Let's fix your hair."

Xin just nodded her head, still sulking with her poor state, while Lusher and Tatter helped her fix her look.

"Done!!!" Tatter exclaimed while beaming a wide smile, Xin automatically doing the same.

"Kamsahamnidaaa!!!" She smiled at the two girls before swiftly facing Bada who was taken aback by her glare.

"Oww!!" Bada winced in pain when she felt Xin kick the back of her knee but then quickly faced the other girls with a sweet smile, as if nothing mischievous had happened.

"You brat.."

"Breaking Boundariesssss....!!!!!" Xin shouted, causing everyone to look at her in panic while trying to hold back their laughter at Bada, who was surprised by Xin's sudden outburst.

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