Chapter6: Robert E House

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The elevator ride was longer then Janeway would have liked she felt her eyes drawn to the flickering lights above and the occasional jolt and sound of aged cables straining above

"Scans show this building to be over 200 years old. It's in remarkable shape compared to the others" Seven spoke

"Yet with it's age I'm impressed this ... elevator still functions though I have my doubts about it's safety" Tuvok added on

"Just happy thoughts and hopefully we'll reach where ever it is we are going" Janeway spoke there was a antique needle indicator that displayed the floor number yet it seemed inoperable as it bounced back and forth, after a few moments the lift came to a stop and the doors slid open to reveal a dust filled white and silver walled room

The away team cautiously stepped out greeted by another Securitron that gestured to the left

Soon they came face to face with a large display facing a wall and windows that looked out into the sky. On either side and below monitors displaying live camera footage of various spots across the city phased through various feeds

The blank screen shifted to display the image of a man wearing a suit

"Greetings. I am Mr House, Welcome to the Lucky 38 Captain Janeway we have much to discuss" a voice spoke

"Indeed we do Mr House. You invited us in and I'm hoping you can be of assistance" Janeway spoke as the approached the Display while seven stood off in a corner and began her scans

"Indeed, you're seeking resources to assist in the repair of your space vessel that landed in the Mojave...I am certainly interested in learning more about this vessel and you.  You do not come from this planet do you?" House asked

"You already know alot about our situation" Janeway said

"Captain. I do not maintain the power I have in this region without knowing what comes in and out of it. I have eyes and ears everywhere and upon your landing I will admit I attempted to interface with your vessel but your.... technology is beyond mine and the capability is incapable" House spoke "but I do know enough to know you are human and humanity as I know it never developed technology of that level.  I am aware of the multiple universe theory however and the theory that states for every action there are a near infinite amount of outcomes and exist a universe that explores every possibility.  You come from a universe where humanity never destroyed itself and progressed on a different path a path that took you to the stars" House continued

"You are're far more intelligent then I expected" Janeway replied

"Of course I am. I didn't build this empire nor did I work tirelessly predicting this war that devastated the planet nor the effort to defend Las Vegas from the fallout " house continued

"We aren't so different though my Earth was almost devistated in a war known as World War 3. Predated by the equally as devastating eugenics war. It took a long time for humanity to reach the point we come from" Janeway spoke

"Interesting. However your war must not have been as... Devastating as ours. Regardless you're here for assistance. I may be willing to offer my resources and assisting in locating that which you may need but as all things. My help does not come without a price" House said.

"I figured as much. This is Las...or New Vegas after all. What we need most is keeping the locals away from Voyager" Janeway said.

There was a lingering pause from House before he answered

"I am capable of keeping the locals away from your vessel Captain and assisting in locating resources however As i said. Everything comes with a price.  I want to know everything about your universe I want access to your libraries I'm certain you have and information on your technology" House replied

Janeway was hesitant as this was the situation she hoped to avoid. They had already caused enough damage by their arrival and show of force earlier at the airport. Opening their computer library was a direct....

Well.  Was it a violation of the Prime Directive?

"What do you intend to do with this information if we provide it?" Janeway asked

Tuvok and Chakotay both glanced at their Captain with curious expressions

"You wish to know if id use such information to recreate your technology and the answer is Captain yes. I won't sugarcoat anything I intend to learn as much as I can from you and if it's possible to recreate your technology then I will do so" House answered

"Counter Proposal... I'll give access to our information but limited only to StarFleet guidelines, history and political climate of our universe as well as any other information not referencing sensitive technology or weapons" Janeway said

"Captain I must voice my opposition" Tuvok spoke but Janeway rose a hand to silence her Chief of Security

"Your offer is... Acceptable for now Captain a deal is made. Once I have the information you offer I will dispatch my Securitrons to secure the area around your vessel and keep out curious visitors. As for finding the resources you require I will need more details on what I may need to look for" house answered

"You'll have that information by the end of the day you clearly are able of contacting my vessel by some sort of link. Establish that link and I'll transfer the agreed information" Janeway said as she noted the disapproving looks from Chakotay and Tuvok

"Agreed Captain"

Tapping her combadge Janeway spoke

"Janeway to Voyager. 4 to beam back"

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