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It is acceptable when we think we got no one to care about us, but it is impossible to accept that when we know, we have our loved ones but we are being ignored it is very difficult to accept that thought, in fact, in previous summers I accept my fate that I have no one, but this summer, I have my loved ones, who really cared about me or I thought so....are they really busy to contact me or are they just take me as timepass, does they even consider me as their friend, just like I consider them, do they talk to me just because I am famous just like others, On being famous part, yaeh you can say, I am famous because One dark wizard named Voldemort whose name was and still is feared by wizarding world even to utter, (yaeh forget to tell you, wizarding world is very much real, just like you and me ) had killed my parents but not me, for some unknown reason and he disappeared and became weak, me and my friend ( also my little sis by all but blood and sadly also his granddaughter, not that she accepted ) had an encounter with him previous year, which became a Ssseeeecccrrreett in Hogwarts. so yaeh, can you get it now I am famous because my parents died but not me, what a great achievement right, can you guess, how old am I, when this all happened, just one year old, that's when I succeeded, I became famous. Before I knew how to talk, how to walk wow I am famous, well respected ... but not where I am now.

Coming back to the present, I had a completely usual argument with my uncle about my owl Hedwig making sound, but she was bored since she is locked and not allowed to fly around, I even requested my uncle atleast let her fly for an hour a day but his fear win over me, he is thinking that I am going to send her for passing message to my friends, since he locked all my wizarding world belongings like wand, books, broomsticks in the cupboard under stairs the very first day I returned so called home, I am going to report him to my friends, Maybe he afraid of Hagrid showing up again. For the first few days, Dudley, my so called cousin was feared my mere presence but not anymore, now he is teasing me about not having any friends and not got any letters for my birthday, Atleast he remembered my birthday, he is the only one who remembered but my luck, he doesn't came to wish me but to tease me It's the best birthday ever, isn't it(omg Laia rubbing off on me ).

Dursleys hadn't even remembered that today happened to be my twelfth birthday, of course my hopes weren't been high, it's quite known fact that they'd never given me a proper present, let alone a cake .... but now they completely ignore it. But My Uncle Vernon Dursley consider today as Important day, but don't even think that he remembered my birthday, it's just because according to him, having a dinner with his client is life changing important day, note that they were prepared for this dinner for a whole month, and they want me to locked in my room, making no noise, pretending that I am not here . Wow, what a great day, this is my best worst birthday, there is no one there to remember my birthday and care to talk with me. But On the other hand, I feel like I am being observed. Yep for instance, I noticed a pair of Two enormous green eyes, while I am alone, before the arrival of Dudley to tease me.

When I am back to my room, There is some sort of creature. That creature slipped off the bed and bowed so low that the end of its long, thin nose touched the carpet, it was wearing what looked like an old pillowcase, with rips for arm- and leg-holes.

"Er — hello," I said nervously.

"Harry Potter!" said the creature in a high-pitched voice I am sure would carry down the stairs.

"So long has Dobby wanted to meet you, sir . . . Such an honour it is . . . . "

OH god I am doomed but I replied "Thank You, Who are you?"

"Dobby, sir. Just Dobby. Dobby the house-elf," said the creature.

"Not that I'm not pleased to meet you, but, er, is there any particular reason you're here?"

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