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Ch. 10: The Mrs. Henderson Show

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As it always does when you have to be somewhere you don't want to be, time moved way too quickly. The movie was over in no time and Eli, Ronnie, and I said our goodbyes with the hint of reluctance that we always did. Although, Eli did sneak in a small "good luck" wink when Ronnie wasn't looking.

Honestly, I don't know why he bothered. I knew Eli. He told Ronnie everything. There wasn't a single doubt in my mind that Ronnie would know everything that happened by my next visit. Hell, I'd be surprised if I made it to the parking garage before he told him.

Still, as I got in my car, what Eli had warned me about did pop back into my mind. I pulled out my phone and turned off my message notifications. I also spent an inordinate amount of time staring at Mason's number.

It probably wasn't safe to keep the paper he'd given me earlier. After all, when hasn't a paper trail caused a problem? But I worried about only having the number in my phone. I didn't trust my memory enough to try to remember it on my own and Phil would get suspicious if he ever noticed that I had saved an unlisted number.

The obvious solution, of course, was to save him as a fake name. But that's where I ran into trouble. What should I save it as?

Phil knew everybody in the neighborhood for "networking" purposes, so I couldn't lie and say it was a neighbor without him being able to check. I didn't have any family members aside from Eli so I couldn't say it was a relative. I already had Ronnie's number saved and I didn't have any other "friends" to speak of. Besides, if I lied about having a new friend, he'd probably insist on meeting them. After all, he'd worked too hard on his perfect little image to have it all ruined by me choosing a "bad friend."

Which left me stuck. What the hell could I save him as? God, was my life really so empty and pathetic that I didn't have anything outside of my house and this facility?

Inspiration struck me at once. I hurriedly typed the name in my phone: Patty.

Of course, this facility being what it was, it needed to have staff on hand 24/7. Obviously, for both legal and ethical reasons, they couldn't expect their nurses to work those kinds of hours, so every patient had a team of two nurses. One who handled a double shift of sixteen hours during the day, and one who handled the eight-hour night shift.

Patty was Eli's night nurse. A nice enough older lady, but one whom I never really needed to interact with much. She had my number for emergency purposes, of course, but I'd never really had a reason to add her number to my phone. Until now.

It was a good cover. If Phil ever bothered to ask about the number, then I could explain the Patty situation. It would be easy enough for him to double-check and confirm with the facility about her being Eli's nurse, and if he asked why I suddenly added it, I could just explain it as I was getting more concerned about Eli's condition.

It was amazing the way adrenaline raced through my body just by typing a name into my phone. Was this excitement the "fear of getting caught" that people always talked about? I never understood it before. After all, what fun could come out of doing something dangerous or stupid?

But, God, I got it now. I wondered if Mason felt the same way about it that I did.

I bit my lip as he suddenly came to mind again. Right, didn't Eli mention something about me receiving a message Phil definitely shouldn't see? I wasn't sure what that was exactly but based on that description it had to be something good.

I was about to open my messages when a sudden, loud car horn terrified me back to reality. My phone practically jumped out of my hands, landing on the passenger seat. My heart was racing again, but not in a fun way this time. I took a deep breath to calm myself.

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