Chapter 2~Times of Feelings

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I stood there silent shaking while he was laughing histarically I couldn't move the shiver that went down my spine my face was getting heated

"What kind of obsession do you have with me it's making me fuckin sick and you being a cannibal also makes me sick"

"NO!" He then shouted.

"It's disgusting I wouldn't eat people or put human meat in my food"

"Then why tf did you bite my fuckin ear off!"

"Because of what you taste like, I can't taste anything bitter not even the food in this restaurant!... I need something to feel a taste or something but I also need you Rody".

"Wtf is this why you put me in the freezer to keep me there until you chop me up and eat me"

"No I just need the taste from you the here is not tasty or bitter for me I just need something... I need you or love I can do both hehe right Rody"

"Your fuckin crazy!"

"Pardon Rody? I just want you to eat the leftover food that's all but you just had to fuckin waste it"

I back away and started running, Vince notice I ran so he run to chase me I ran into his office to get him away from me I look down and spotted a pink glass bottle on the floor I picked it up and broke the bottom It looked sharp to use now, right before I turned around Vince was behind me standing there. He shut the door behind him and walked slowly towards me

"Rody put the glass down don't make this any difficult your just going to get yourself hurt"

"Stay back Vince the phone right next to me and I will call the fuckin cops". The phone was next to Vincent's desk where I was standing my breath became heavily of what I got myself into.

"Rody darling come on now put the bottle down there's no need for this"

"You killed my girlfriend, you lock me in a freezer, and bit my fuckin ear off how do you expect me to put the bottle down". Tears were kept pouring out of my eyes of what I had said.

"You don't need her Rody you got me I'm your friend or maybe more than that" He winked at me and gave me a smirk.

"Stay back" I pointed the broken glass bottle at him to get him away.

"Your a psycho, a killer you are not my friend!"

I shouted at him the words I said to him were not good,I looked at Vincent I see that his eyes were big,widding and psychotic his smirk became wider he then clench his fist then he ran towards me, I ran and try to swing the bottle at him but his arm got my wrist tight and smack the bottle off my hand so I wouldn't use it he tighten my wrist with his hand it started to hurt I then kick him in the shin and ran off the office. I yell for help to see if somebody hear me

"HELP THERE'S A FUCKIN PSYCHO AND HE---" Right then I yelled Vincent jumped on me and covered my mouth so no one hears me yell, I struggle to get free from him but his grip was on me so I couldn't move off him he tighten my arms behind my back good so I wouldn't break free I try yelling but his hand was on my mouth so I wouldn't yell.

"Mmm....Mmmmm" I kept struggling still.

"Shh...shhh" he whispered in my ear and tried to shush when when I was still struggling from his grip.

"Shhhh quiet please" tears began to drip from my eyes when I was still trying to yell.

"Shhhh" he kept holding my mouth shut until I felt something poking my skin I looked side down and saw a needle poking in my neck my eyes became widen as I saw it poking,my vision became blurry and soon fell unconscious on the floor Vince got off of me and then lift me up from the floor he put my body on his shoulder and held on my legs tight he then carried me out the kitchen and on his way out the restaurant.

~5 hours later~

It was quiet my eyes started to open my vision became clear once I was awake now I got up and looked around and realize this isn't my room and I kinda recognized this bed and window curtains and I knew who exactly room this is I got off the bed,l also notice that the door was open I walked towards the door and took a slow peak I see that it was a hallway VINCE'S HALLWAY. I looked and see that it was really quiet and that nobody around, I began to walk slowly in the hall, I walk as quietly as I can so I don't get notice by a bunch of noise, then my breath began to get a bit heavy and my heart was racing a bit I tried to be as steady and calm as I can. When I soon reach the end of the hall and into I the kitchen I notice that it was quiet too, the light was on but nobody was here I chose to ignore it and kept walking I slowly got into the living room and looked around there was no sign of Vince here which is strange but I spotted the door out the apartment across from me I looked at it and started walking slowly so I don't make any noise I go steady as I can again and try staying calm I looked back and no one wasn't entering the room I notice I was halfway across the room from the door. I then went and run for it I touch the doorknob and turned it I notice it was locked so I tried turning it again but suddenly a voice spoke in the room.

"Going any place?"

I turned around slowly it was Vince holding a kitchen knife while he was looking straight at me, I looked at him and my heart soon drop.

"Please Vince just let me go I won't tell anyone about this I promise" he looked at me with a small smirk

"Just back away from the door and we won't have any problems"

I then walked slowly towards the side on the left and backed away from the door, he then came slowly towards me.

"See no problem now do we?" He stroke my hair a little bit and grabbed me on the wrist tight and he walked me back into his room again he shove me in there I turned around and saw him behind the door "I'll be back with you in five minutes don't go anywhere" then he suddenly shut the door behind me there in his room and this time he made sure to lock it.

I will be continuing this book tomorrow to cuz I'm kinda addicted of writing this and do wanna type more into this book
Also I didn't expect people would be interested in this and I appreciated it also yes I will still be continuing writing more of it

Chef Love~Dead Plate~Vince x RodyWhere stories live. Discover now