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If you've already seen the post on my page, ignore this lol.


The Thing About Three is getting published! Stupidly, I thought that I would be able to leave the rough draft of the story up on Wattpad, but I just found out that that isn't going to be possible. I wish I could've found this out earlier so that I could've given a bigger heads up, but unfortunately that is not the case.

So, the full version of The Thing About Three will be available until SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 19th!

If you are currently reading this book, or are interested in reading it, please know that I am so sorry that I'm cutting you off like this! If I could leave it up to be read for free I would, but that would be violating the guidelines of the printing company I'm publishing through :(

THANK YOU to everyone that has read, commented, voted, and added this book to their lists! Thanks for making my dreams come true!

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