chapter twenty-seven | double

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TAKEN DOWN FOR PUBLISHING (If I could've kept it all up I would've!)


2,617 words!

Question: What is your favorite genre of music?

I personally love rock and folk music, specifically 70s rock and folk music. I have my car radio set to the '70s on 7 station at all times, which had really gotten me into the vibe for my '70s book.

Also, I'm kind of having second thoughts about posting my '70s book, like I kind of want to post another book but I don't know.

Maybe in one of the next few chapters I'll post a little description for each of the books I've been working on and see what y'all think because I don't know.

I also had the idea to post two books at the same time. Is that stupid? Because I think it might be. Like, I'd post a chapter from one book on a Monday and then a chapter for the next book on Friday.


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