Chapter 8: The Man With a Bountiless Wanted Poster!

348 17 2

- "Talking"

- 'Thinking'

- Narration

-- Katorea --

Y/N smiled at Koza.

Y/N: It's a pleasure to finally meet you. Koza, the leader of Alabasta's rebel army.

Koza: And who might you be? Kebi said you're from the Revolutionary.

Y/N nods as he lets himself in.

Y/N: That's right. My name is Y/N L/N. A scout from the Revolutionary Army.

Koza's eyebrows arched upward as he takes a look at Y/N.

Koza: A scout from the Revolutionary? So? Am I just supposed to take your word for it? For all I know you can be a sp-

Before Koza can even finish his sentence, an audible gasped can be heard in the corner of the room.

Koza and Y/N simultaneously turned their heads towards the sound.

Kebi, Koza's underling stands there pointing his index finger at Y/N with trembling hands.

Kebi: N-No way...

Koza: What? What is it Kebi? Is he really a Revolutionary?

Kebi gulps nervously and nods.

Kebi: I-I'm certain. I heard his name before.

Kebi stated before continuing.

Kebi: H-He's the rumored ruthless scout of the Revolutionary Army.

Koza: Rumored scout? What do you mean?

Kebi: I... I just heard it from my friends. There was a rumor... of a one of a kind scout that joined the Revolutionary Army years ago.

Kebi stared at Koza's eyes before continuing.

Kebi: He supposedly joined the Revolutionary nine years ago as a scout and participated in a number of war for the Revolutionary Army.

Koza: And? Is that all? Why do you look so terrified? Isn't a scout just someone who's sent to the frontline to gather intel?

Kebi: In other cases, you might be right. But this scout from the rumors isn't just a scout.

Kebi then suddenly gripped both of Koza's shoulders as he stared directly into his eyes.

Kebi: He's also an assassin.

Koza: What?

Kebi: And not just an assassin.

Kebi then turned his attention back to Y/N before continuing.

Kebi: It was stated that this scout from the rumors brought down countless corrupted kingdoms... single handedly.

Koza: That's absurd. There's no way a single person can do that. Much less... a scout.

Koza firmly said as he roughly turned his body away from Kebi forcing him to let go of his hold on him.

Kebi: I can prove it!

Koza: How?

Kebi then starts to frantically search his belongings in search of something.

Kebi: I swear it's in here somewhere.

Koza: What's in there?

Kebi: This!

Kebi then pulled up a rolled up piece of paper.

Koza: Is that...

Kebi nods.

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