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Few hour past...

Midnight talked while feeling the cool wind and the sound of waves. Prim and Kawin just sit down side by side without interrupting each others feelings. It made their minds realize and think about many things, especially considering that Prim hasn't healed from her past love yet. Suddenly, memories flooded back to Prim from those days.

Four months ago,

After a month of divorce,
Chakkrit asked to meet Prim for the last time before continuing to live his life abroad in London.
They met at Prim's condo.
(Doors close.)
The place that used to have fun, sweetness, balance with their beautiful smiles, now it had become so quiet to the point that can hear mosquitoes flying passes.

Chakkrit walks through the kitchen, where a place they often come to learn how to bake, his face looks sad and he suddenly missing the day that Prim's wearing her genuine smile.
Arriving in the living room, Prim told him to sit down as she walks to pour lemon water, which was Chakkrit's favorite.
Chakkrit was about to play a song but stopped in his halfway because feel the weight of their separation, and walked return to his seats.

As they were still not adjusting to the fact that they already divorced.

"Do you regret it ?" Chakkrit asked all over his face full of regret.

" Guess what!? I'm sad for everything that happened, I'm a crazy person that used to think your words are trustworthy, the word love, everything that has happened so far. I'm still not sure if everything you've done was really from your heart or you're just acting." She explained.

Chakkrit look down at his hands that holding a glass of wine tight It seems like he were actually accept his fault so badly.
"I thought we were going to be together forever, but the worst thing is when the person you love doesn't love you anymore. It hurts. " she continued.

They both looked into each other's eyes.

She looked off her window as twirled her wine.
"Every time you make sure or make promises, I don't think that you don't know that I'm a person who cares about the truth. And mark my words all everything I've said I must do it. It may seem like I'm taking life too seriously, but I'm the one who stands by my words.

She rolled her eyes to put her tears inside.
"So, every time we argue and you say that you'll change and fix your faults, I really want you to be true to your words. Just like how I've always given you the trust that I'll never leave you in any difficult situation in life. And I have always done that until today, I'm starting to feel sick of it."

Chakkrit start bitting his mouth as the situation give him panic attack.

"You're speechless again" she sound softly but you can feel, she angrily.

You knew the first time catching you are cheating, next time words from your mouth will I continue to trust you?
She nodded "There is no way no way yy...!! when you dare to destroy my trust even the first time I saw with my own eyes but you already destroyed all my trust for you Chakkrit.
" Trust takes years to build but just few second to destroy and forever to heals. "

They both were silent for a while but those silent spoke louder inside their hearts.

Chakkrit: I-I'm sorry, Prim. I didn't mean to hurt you.

"You didn't mean??"
Beside you don't say anything and 4words from your mouth you said YOU DIDN'T MEAN???" Prim shouted angrily.

She turned her face away from him. In her heart, she felt more broken, despite and trying so hard not to shed her tears, while all the pain was truly reflected in her innocent eyes that full of scars left by Chakkrit with no blood.

Chakkrit replied and shake his head like he was trying to explain it right to her.

They both remain silent to calm down all the pressure on Prim face and avoid her from losing her  temper before another conversation started.

Chakkrit: "No matter what you decide, just know that your presence is like sunshine in a cloudy sky, the light that illuminates the house and makes it a home. May peace be with you forever. Thank you very much, because when you are here, happiness is with us too."

" Thank you too. " Prim replied.
" Thank you for everything that brought us to this point, thank you for allowing us to love each other to the fullest, even if it was only for a short time."

Chakkrit paused and then said "And one more thing."
"Speak" she replied.

May the world be kind to you.
May the people around you be kind to you.
May your tiredness end here.
May all your pain melt away.
May you be strong.
May you continue to live happily ever after.

Prim teased, "Oh, you give me so much. What did you get?"
He smiled and said, "At least, I'm sure that you will be happy!! Goodbye, darling."
"Goodbye!" she replied.

This song really describes them well!

They both couldn't stop their tears from falling down their cheeks, but they needed to accept reality. When Chakkrit left, she started feeling all those mixed emotions. The fact that she forced herself to divorce him while still loving him, but in between she not wanting to love him anymore, suddenly she can't control her body and broken on the floor, crying out the pain that had been kept inside for many long months...

Thank you dear reader for coming this far !
With love
B. 🤍

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