sick day

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Mat was just coming off a four day roadie when you called. The plane had just touched down in New York and he'd turned his phone on only to find you calling.

"Hey baby, we just landed."

"Mat don't come home."

Your words made Mat freeze, Tito looking at him in concern as his face dropped.

"W-what? Baby whatever it is we can-"

"No, no, no," you rushed out as you realized what Mat thought. "No, god not like that. I'm sorry. We all have the stomach flu and I don't want you getting sick. All three of us having been throwing up since yesterday morning."

Mat let out a breath of relief as he leaned back into his seat, "I'm still coming home baby. If you're all sick I want to take care of you."

"But you have playoffs right around the corner and I-"

"I'll see you soon," Mat's answer has you heaving a sigh, knowing that arguing with him would be useless. "I love you."

"I love you too."


Half an hour later Mat walked through the front door just as your five year old son Luca puked into the bowl on his lap. You groaned as Rosie, your two year old, burrowed further into your chest with a pained moan. You met Mat's eyes over their heads and sighed, "Welcome to the fun house."

Mat dropped his bags by the door and toed his shoes off before going to help Luca. Once he was done throwing up Mat gathered him in his arms and took him upstairs for a bath. You and Rosie both dozed off, your shirt tightly clutched in her hands as she lightly snored.

When you woke up again Rosie was gone and Mat was just coming down the stairs. He smiled at you before he walked over and pressed a kiss to your forehead, "Both kids are bathed and sleeping. How are you feeling mama?"

"Like I got hit by a truck," you groaned as Mat pulled you into his lap. "Stop, I'm all sweaty and gross and I don't want to get you sick."

"I just wanna hold my wife," Mat groaned as he pulled you closer. "I haven't seen you in four days."

You gave up your struggling and settled into Mat's hold, "And I spent a lot of that time puking my guts out."

"Why don't you go take a bath and I'll watch out for the kids," you eyed Mat skeptically but he simply met you with an eye roll. "I can handle them babe. Go take care of yourself."

You begrudgingly walked upstairs, but you couldn't fight Mat's thinking as the warm water of the bath soothed your aching muscles. You stayed in far longer than you should have but after getting out you felt a hundred times better.

When you finally trekked back downstairs Rosie was settled on Mat's hip as he cleared the dishes in the sink. Luca was bundled up on the couch, so you went over to him and pulled him into your lap.

"How are your feeling bubba," you pressed a kiss to his dark hair as he snuggled close to you. His forehead didn't feel as warm as earlier so you took that as a win.

"'m feeling better," Luca mumbled as he held on tightly to you. "Daddy made toast and I didn't frow it up."

You looked up and Mat met your eye over both of your kids heads. He smirked and you swore your heart beat a little faster. You truly couldn't imagine doing life with anyone but Mat.

The rest of the day went by easily. You all curled up on the couch to watch a movie, Rosie clinging to Mat and refusing to move. Not that Mat was complaining, his daughter tucked in his side as he ran his fingers through her dark curls.

When Luca mentioned that he was hungry Mat was up in an instant to make soup for everyone. Rosie still clung to his chest as he moved around the kitchen and told her everything he was doing. By the time everything was finished Rosie was asleep, arms still tightly wrapped around Mat's neck.

"I'm gonna go put her down and then I'll get you both some soup," Mat leaned down to kiss Luca's forehead then yours before he headed upstairs with Rosie.

The soup was the perfect thing for your still uneasy stomach. Luca even had a second bowl which made Mat beam with pride. The recipe was from his mom, something he had asked her for the first time Luca had come down with a bad cold. It was a tradition at this point to make it on sick days and you couldn't complain.

When Luca began to drift off at the table Mat took him upstairs and put him to bed. You began tidying up the kitchen, carefully washing out dishes when Mat came back, "Let me finish cleaning babe."

"But I-"

"You're still sick. Go lay down, I'll be up in a minute," Mat pressed a kiss to your temple before pushing you towards the stairs with a playful swat to your butt.

You took time to do your nighttime routine, feeling better than you had in days. By the time Mat came upstairs you were tucked under the covers and half asleep.

"C'mere baby," Mat whispered as he slid into bed, arms stretched out toward you. "I missed sleeping next to you."

You gladly scooted across the bed and settled onto Mat's chest, his hands slipping under your shirt to rub your back, "Thank you for taking care of us today."

"That's my job," Mat mumbled into your hair. "I promised you in sickness and in health. Just trying to stay true to my vows."

As you both drifted off to sleep you couldn't help but think about how grateful you were to have Mat by your side.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2023 ⏰

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