baby daddy

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"Baby! I'm so glad to see you!"

Mat chuckles as he walks towards you, waving at the dental assistant next to you.

"She's totally fine to eat and drink as normal, but will probably be out of it for a few hours," the woman grins before looking to you. "Go home and rest up okay?"

You grin and nod at her, "My baby daddy is gonna take me home."

"We don't have kids," Mat is quick to interject with a snicker as he looks to you. "Unless you've been hiding something from me."

You pause, thinking with furrowed brows, "Future baby daddy then."

Mat laughs as he wraps an arm around your shoulder, steering you out of the dental office, "Okay baby, whatever you say."

You stop walking and Mat turns to look at you, "What is it pretty girl?"

"Do you... Not want to have babies with me," you can't help the tears that well up in your eyes, mostly a reaction from the drugs they'd given you during your dental procedure. "I thought we were going to get married and have babies!"

Mat quickly pulled you into his arms, pressing a kiss to your head, "I want everything with you my love. But you're also very high right now and I don't think this is the time to have conversations about marriage and babies."

"O-okay," you sniffle as Mat opens his car door and helps you in. "But you still love me right?"

"I'll always love you baby," Mat smiles and kisses your cheek. "Now let's get you to bed."


As the morning sunlight pours into your bedroom you groan you quickly bury your face in Mat's chest. He mumbles sleepily and hooks his arm around your waist.

"How ya feeling baby?" Mat asks, his voice muffled by your hair.

"Like I got punched in the face," you groan and snuggle further into Mat. "Was I a pain in the ass yesterday?"

Mat chuckles but doesn't say anything, prompting you to lift your head and look up at him, "Mathew..."

"You said some very interesting things," Mat smirks and you let out a groan. "All good stuff. Like when you called me your baby daddy."

"I what?!" you screech and Mat laughs. "Oh my god that's so embarrassing. Jesus..."

Mat pulls you close and kisses you softly, "It was really endearing, especially when you were crying and asking me if I wanted to marry you and have babies with you."

You pull yourself away from Mat to scream into your pillow. His hand finds your back as he laughs, pulling you up to look at him.

"All good baby, I actually loved it," Mat smirks as he presses a kiss to your forehead. "And I can't wait to be your husband and baby daddy."

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