Chapter 4

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"Nightmare's attacks are growing more erratic. We must enhance our anticipation and strategic responses."

Swap interjected with a proposed plan, indicating a specific location on the map, "A diversion here could draw Nightmare's focus away from the main assault. Dream, you and I can coordinate to execute this strategy."

Ink, actively participating in the planning, couldn't silence the nagging questions about his emotions. Swap, noting Ink's distraction, gently prompted, "Ink, any insights on how your abilities can counter Nightmare's assaults strategically?"

Ink, caught between the intricacies of tactics and the emotional turbulence within, hesitated before responding, "I... um, perhaps I could create a protective barrier during his onslaught. But, there's something else I need to understand."

Dream, sensing Ink's internal struggle, spoke in a reassuring tone, "Ink, we trust you. If there's something on your mind, share it. It might be the missing piece to strengthen our approach."

Ink glanced around the room, contemplating his revelation. With a deep breath, he admitted, "During the battle, when I locked eyes with Error, it felt different. Like there's more to our clash than the usual opposition. I can't dismiss it."The atmosphere in the room shifted as Dream's expression turned from calm contemplation to restrained anger. "Error?" he exclaimed, his voice tight with frustration. "In the midst of this crucial planning, you're letting personal distractions cloud your judgment? We need focus, not emotional entanglements."

Swap attempted to diffuse the tension, "Dream, understanding these emotions might be crucial for our overall strategy. It could be the key to breaking the cycle."

Dream, however, stood firm, his frustration palpable. "We're facing Nightmare, not indulging in sentimental musings. Ink, we need your full commitment to the plan, not emotional complications."

Ink, feeling the weight of Dream's disapproval, defended himself, "Dream, I understand the gravity of the situation, but these emotions might be tied to the very essence of our existence. Ignoring them could be just as detrimental as underestimating Nightmare."

Dream's eyes narrowed, his anger surfacing, "We've faced Nightmare countless times, Ink, and now you're jeopardizing our strategy with this unnecessary emotional baggage. We need a united front, not internal discord."

Swap, torn between the two, tried to find common ground, "Dream, Ink's insights could be valuable. Perhaps there's a way to integrate them into our plan without compromising our focus."

Dream, however, remained resolute, "No, we stick to the plan. This isn't the time to experiment with untested theories. Ink, get your priorities straight."

As the argument intensified, the room echoed with conflicting perspectives, emphasizing the internal struggles within the team. The battle against Nightmare loomed, both on the battlefield and within the fragile alliances forged in the face of an uncertain fate. The mixture of determination and discord hung in the air, leaving an unsettling tension as they grappled with the challenges ahead.Feeling the mounting pressure and frustration, Ink couldn't bear the weight of the argument any longer. With a heavy heart, he abruptly pushed away from the planning table, his chair scraping against the floor.

"I can't do this right now," Ink muttered, his voice strained with a mix of emotion and frustration. Ignoring the heated gaze of Dream and the concerned expression from Swap, he stormed out of the strategizing room, leaving behind a charged atmosphere.

Unbeknownst to the others, Ink made his way to the Doodle Sphere, a place of solace where he could find comfort. The vibrant yellow and calm empybess of the sphere provided a temporary escape from the conflicts and complexities that surrounded him.

As Ink immersed himself in the Doodle Sphere, the chaotic clash of emotions within him began to find expression on the canvas of his creation. The lines and shapes formed a visual representation of the internal turmoil he couldn't articulate in words.

Back in the strategizing room, Dream's frustration lingered, realizing the consequences of the heated argument. Swap, caught in the middle, sighed, recognizing the delicate balance they had lost. The room now held a void, a silence that underscored the internal struggles within the team and the uncertainty that lay ahead.


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