Cream (Cross x Dream)

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Hi guys! This is a little chapter while we work on the next chapter!

Also our headcannon is they both like space and Dream likes poetry, most of the interests here are headcannons!
Dream and Cross, having recently unearthed the profound truth that they were soulmates, eagerly embarked on their first date. They chose a charming, dimly lit cafe nestled in the heart of the city. As they walked through the cafe's quaint wooden door, their eyes met, and a spark of cosmic connection ignited.

Cross, with a bashful smile, gestured toward the cozy corner booth. "Shall we?" he asked, his voice soft yet filled with excitement.

Dream nodded, his heart racing with anticipation. "Absolutely."

They settled into the booth, their fingers brushing against each other as they exchanged smiles that held the promise of eternity. The ambiance was perfect, with soft jazz melodies playing in the background, casting a warm and welcoming atmosphere.

Cups of rich, aromatic coffee were served, their fragrant steam rising and mingling with the anticipation in the air. Dream, sipping his coffee, couldn't help but ask, "So, Cross, what brought you to stargazing?"

Cross's eyes lit up as he spoke, "I've always been drawn to the night sky. It's like a canvas of endless possibilities. The constellations, they... they seem to hold the secrets of the universe. I find solace in their silent company."

Dream smiled, feeling an immediate connection. "I couldn't agree more. The stars have a way of making our worries seem small, don't they?"

Cross nodded in agreement. "And what about you, Dream? What's your passion?"

Dream leaned forward, his eyes filled with enthusiasm. "I'm a writer, but not in the traditional sense. I write poetry. It's how I express my deepest emotions and desires. Each verse is a reflection of my soul."Cross's gaze never wavered. "That's beautiful. Poetry has a way of touching the heart in ways other words can't."

As they continued to share stories, they discovered intricate connections between their lives, as if they had been dancing around each other in a grand cosmic waltz. Their laughter filled the cafe, and their eyes held the kind of warmth that could melt the coldest of hearts.

Their hands brushed against one another's, fingers interlocking naturally, as if they had always belonged together. In that moment, amidst the soft glow of cafe lights and the gentle hum of conversation around them, Dream and Cross realized that they had found their missing piece, the one their hearts had been yearning for.

Their date felt like destiny in action, a script written by the stars themselves. As they held hands across the table, they exchanged promises silently, knowing that their journey together had only just begun. It was a date that marked the beginning of an epic love story, one that transcended time and space, and they embraced it with open hearts, ready to explore the infinite possibilities of their intertwined souls.

All the cheesey parts are romes fault!

You bet >:)

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