The danger begins

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*Swellview High*
*Y/n's pov*

"Hey Henry!" I say quite happily, I was happy to see Henry and the lot coming towards me. We had a cute little group that no one could separate

"Hi y/n, what's up?" He asked, finally in a less stressed out mood. From what I've noticed recently he's been a lot more stressed and difficult to reach, and let's not talk about his recent grades as he's been falling asleep in every class.

"Nothing much, you still on for tonight?" I asked, closing my locker. He looked around and smiled a little then looked at me.

"What's happening tonight?" Charlotte asked, curious to know. I looked at her with an honest look and said sweetly "We're going to study, you're welcomed to come along," Charlotte looked pleased to hear that answer

"Yeah we'll come!" She said, speaking for Jasper and herself, "It's at Henry's house, right?" She asked, taking precautions just so it's not my house or a library.

"Yeah, we're going to my house after school, did you think we were gonna go to a library?" He scoffs, "What are we, nerds?" He said, putting emphasis on the word 'nerds' to make a joke

"Maybe you are but we're not." I joked, specially because he hates it when I tease him like this. Henry sometimes has a hard time accepting that I do like him back but I just can't tell him, I know he's hiding a secret form me and I'm determined to find out what it is. He worries me, much more than anybody else should and that's a good thing, I just miss how he was before he started working at Junk n Stuff a few years ago.

Y/n and the group all go to class. Y/n still had the thought of finding out Henry's so called secret she was convinced he had but forgot about it during the day, until she got to Henry's house.

*Henry's house*

"So then we-" I get cut off by Henry's watch beeping. The thought hit me again, could his watch be in anyway related to what he's hiding from us? I wasn't sure, I gave him a confused look to indicate at his watch and say, "Hey, your watch is beeping."

"Ye- yeah, I know." He stammers and shares a look with Charlotte and Jasper, "I'm gonna go outside and porch my water." He said in a panic and ran out the door. I look at Charlotte and Jasper, they're eyes speaking for themselves.

"What?" Jasper asked, looking guilty and confused. I can read his face easily and it hurts me to know that he knows something more than I do, same thing with Charlotte.

"Guys take a break, I'm gonna go to the bathroom." I said, standing up from the coffee table. Charlotte got up too.
"I'll come with you." She said in a panicked voice. I gave her a blank face and said "It's okay, I'll go by myself. Get something to drink."

She continued to stare at me panicked and accepted defeat and sat back down. Jasper stood up and whispered something to Charlotte as I walked off and went to the bathroom. This was a great opportunity to figure out what Henry always does after his watch triple beeps.

With Y/n in the bathroom and Jasper and Charlotte whispering, Y/n started to scheme her plan and once she heard the TV was turned on she started to go up the stairs to Henry's room to peer over him

"I should close this." I whispered to myself and went up the small stair case to get to the window. I looked about for a few seconds and saw him blow a bubble whilst on a call with a hologram of what looked like Captain Man. What, is this what he's been keeping from me? I thought to myself. He started chewing a gumball, I was anxious to see what was gonna happen as he started to blow it, it popped almost after approximately 20 seconds.

I was in shock, just pure shock. He changed clothes, it wasn't just any clothes. It was Kid Danger's costume. What? This can't be? I thought to myself and searched his drawers in panic. I couldn't find anything, I started thinking outside the box and looked around. I went to his bed and looked at the moth painting he has.

I really didn't want to be right about this but still lifted it up. What is this? Are these the same gumballs he had? I thought. They were fluorescent blue and red and they looked the same as the ones Henry had back down. This realisation turned into putting pieces together. That's why he's never free, that's why he's barely there, that's why he's always so tense. I thought, this was the big secret he's been keeping from me.

"Y/n, are you in here?" Jasper asked.

"Yeah, I'll be out in a sec." I said, gumballs still in hand. Panicked, I quickly put away Henry's gumballs behind his painting and tried accepting the fact that my closest friend is Kid Danger.

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