chapter 4

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time skip brought by  frustrated Ron berating Choi Han.


the war was at it's end.

just a little.

they just had to fight for a little more.

they could win.

or at least that's what they wanted to believe.

even with  information Cale provided for them before disappearance they couldn't do much, yes they  won some battles,  forced white star troops to fall back even for little, but nothing more, they were still losing the war.

final battle would start in an hour.

it was win or die, there were not any more  choices left for them.

Choi Han was sitting at the edge of the cliff, looking at   dozens of people  at his feet getting ready for their most probably (definitely) final day.

he felt pang of guilt flared up in his his heart.

he lead these people to  their doom. 

he let them down.

these people trusted him with leadership and he ,stupid,idiot he,  wasn't able to do so.

even Cale, his omega (as he came to acknowledge the fact with great difficulty) ran from him.

he(Choi Han) was truly one of a kind trash wasn't he?! worse than white shit unable to defend anything important to him.

Ron died in battle against golems, lock passed away shortly after, unable to unable to handle the injuries he sustained in later battle. 

it was only him,  Rosalin and Vickross now.

this was their last battle .

they wouldn't be able to survive.

and yet seeing this people was giving him the hope he didn't think he deserved.

'I hope at least he will survive' It was a foolish thought , he knew, he knew it well there was a chance that white star already killed cale, without him knowing this, but he could still the bond, however small, he still did.

so he held on to that hope, for him cale wasn't dead and most importantly he was away from war.

wherever he was, cale  was safe.

in that moment, against all odds, that was all that mattered.

his mate was safe.

Rosalin called out to him.

the battle was about to start.

soldiers got ready.

Choi Han smiled, they would fight until the very end.


somewhere, someone was rewriting fates of their beloved.

somewhere gods were trying to  find the mortal who  ticked the balance.

somewhere Nelan Barrow  made a contract.

somewhere, someone changed the fate of the whole world.

somewhere  greatest sacrifice was made.



the battle was nearing it's end.

as predicted they were losing.

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