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Dear Phil,

I've noticed you've not written back to me, Phil. I received your helmet today. I understand its not exactly easy to write in the middle of a war and I appreciate your gesture very much. I will treasure your helmet forever, I hope you don't mind me keeping it. Of course if you want it as a keepsake once you return I'll gladly give it to you. But right now its the most recent thing of yours I can find, so I'm guarding it with my life.

I told you in my first letter that I'd never loved you as much as I did in that very moment, and I now realise how wrong I was. At this moment in time, 8:18pm on 20th of November in the year 2010, I have never felt more passion for you than I feel right now. I feel so much love for you I fear my heart will physically explode under so much pressure. My eyes are desperately waiting to gaze into yours, and I can't help but realise how fascinatingly beautiful your soul is.

I draw a picture of you in my heart everyday. I hope it stays there forever. I want you to know that you were my first love, and the one I hold truest to my heart. I am half in agony and half in hope. I miss you so much but I'm also so glad to have you in my life.

I love you always,


Dear Phil [Phan]Where stories live. Discover now