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Dear Phil, 

Its been another month since you left on your year long deployment to Afghanistan and I cant help but think the worst when I watch the news. I fear I'll see your beautiful face among the dismembered bodies sprinkled around the dry earth. But in the back of my mind I know it's not you because you're strong and brave and you'll power through everything the war throws at you. 

I heard from James, and he said he and Emma were going to India next year and asked if we'd want to go. I told them you'd be back by then, but I just need to confirm that you're not staying for another term. They told me I should go whether you're back or not, and I know you agree but I don't think I could go away without you just yet. Maybe I'd have changed my mind once the time comes, but for now I'm happy to sit and write to you. 

Writing letters to you are the joy of my days, and my days of happiness are currently limited. My happiness is being near you. I constantly replay our memories in my head. I look at pictures and watch videos and it makes me feel much better. I don't know how you can live out there with only your memories. I know it must get really boring, but I could never imagine how you feel. Please be safe and come back soon. 

 I love you always, 


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