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       "Ah, my son, there you are Fredrick." The Queen smiled widely as she waved the prince closer towards her, "You're a little late to our tea time today, aren't you?" She frowned a little, taking in his appearance again, "You weren't horseback riding before this, were you? You know how I hate those beasts, I don't see why you can't just take a carriage. Plenty of noblemen do it as well."

Prince Frederick ran a hand through his wild, blond hair the way the wind had blown it into a wild halo likely having been the giveaway about his earlier activities and, after briefly bowing over her hand, took the remaining open seat at the small, round table which had been placed blocking the garden path, "I won't fall off, you know, despite what you believe; I am careful."

"That's what your uncle said too, I'd really rather you didn't risk it at all." the queen sniffed gesturing to the maid standing by the table to pour the tea and serve snacks.

"I'll be careful, mother." Fredrick said firmly earning another displeased sniff as the queen waved the servants away. After a long silence of the both quietly drinking tea, Fredrick spoke, "Amethyst said you called for him to speak about my affairs again."

       "I figured sir Redruth would say something, well out with it, just know whatever complaints you raise, unless you're about to introduce me to a young lady you fancy, it won't get you out of tea time this time next week."

        "I still don't appreciate your meddling, mother, but I will attend- so long as you allow me to use the palace's redecorating funds this winter as I please."

        The queen narrowed her eyes, "Preparations for dealing with Lord Whitwell, I know I was the one who raised you, but quite frankly at times I regret you don't take after the woman who birthed you more. At least then I wouldn't be dredging the city just for." She stopped herself and sniffed haughtily before taking a sip of tea.

       Fredrick flinched, "Mother," he replied firmly, "As this country's Prince and future ruler it falls to me to do everything in my power-"

       "And in the name of its stability." The Queen countered, her voice firm, and raised ever so slightly, "You must produce a heir and declare, marry, and rule besides a fitting queen, I don't care if they are not the same woman, I don't care if you love both or neither, but I have given my life for the good of this empire, I have given my youth, my freedom. I even forsook my own heart in its name, as have generations of women and men before me. Don't give me the excuse that it's for the kingdom.  We both know that in this you are being selfish. And I will not stand by as you let the kingdom fall to ruin over the uncertainty of its future. Your father does not have long to live and doubt will come quickly if you take the throne with neither Queen nor heir. The most beautiful women of the kingdom will be joining us for tea next time, as your mother and your queen I command that you be there and behave yourself."

    The tea cup had been set firmly on the table and any pretense of the soft queen was gone leaving the hardened eyes of someone who'd fought and won years of political battles she had been greatly outmatched in. "Until then reflect on these actions of yours."

       With those final harsh words, she stood and swept from the room leaving Fredrick alone at the table. With a shaky breath, he lowered his head into his hands and released a pitiful sounding sigh. She was right... he knew that. The stability of the kingdom did rely on the belief of him having a blood-related heir soon if not that very moment. 

     It was one of the few things which kept the powerful nobles at bay.  He was a popular contender for King, even if he was the only one, known for his strength and eye for picking talented individuals just as much as for his fair and quick judgments.  But people would be quick to turn on him if they knew he would never sire a child, even if he did adopt one, the child would be opposed by the nobility who's very existence and difference from the wealthy merchants was set apart by blood. And if he did attempt to fake relation, questions of the mother would rise and be throughly investigated behind his back if they must. But there was no one who he trusted and was able to ask such a favor from, not when having his fake child meant giving up the rest of their life to him afterwards.

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