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It's been a while

The midnights breeze carried your weight with its direction to the sparkling lake, a faint glows reflection on the lake from the full moon cast over your complexion.

It was undeniably cold, but that's why you loved swimming at night. No one knew you did this, not wanting anyone to accompany you or telling the professors that you sneak out in the middle of the night.

Taking your clothes off one by one, feeling the high of the moment rush into your body.

Duch a familiar feeling but it never fails to kick you over the edge everytime.

People find it weird that, in some way, this could get you off. The excitement that comes with this is unquestionable in your opinion.

That is not the reason for this though, no, how the adrenaline sparks through your body when you dip your toe in the ice cold water, or when your nipples harden from the cold water and something else when you jump in at once, challenging yourself was always the thing that got your head feeling high.

It was something only a handful of people would understand, and speaking of which, you knew someone who was as much of an adrenaline junkie as yourself, even if he never cared to admit it.

Harry potter and you have never been anything resembling friends, but no hatred was involved either.

Just indifference, towards each other.

After you two had the understanding of sharing the same highs, which no one was supposed to know, you two started going on adventures together.

These late night swims you kept enjoying alone though, and thats for one reason only.

It would loose its touch if you swam with clothes on. No cold, bare on your pussy, the wind and waves cursing against your bare nipples.

But you thought about it, the moment this high clouded your mind, would you mind harry seeing you bare and vulnerable like this if he showed himself to you?

No, even though you never had particular interest in him you wouldnt mind, for some reason.

You and harry got to know each other in your fourth year, when you caught him going out one night to the brooms shed, and instead of doing anything else you decided to join him in the air.

And seeing as you yourself didnt ride a broom you went with him on his, and it was the scariest and most exciting feeling ever.

When you both got down again you stared at each other, both your faces flushed red, something stirring in Harry's eyes examining you, the desire deep in your core from the rush of adrenaline.

There was no need for admitting, it was obvious. It's exciting.

After that day you would sometimes meet in secret, it never escalated to anything else besides the obvious desire that could be seen, but you've never acted on it together. It was part of the chase.

Harry knows about your midnight swims, but he never accompanied you, or suggested going with you.

It was a thing in the whatever sort of relationship you had. He had his things and you yours, but the things of you together did compete.

You thought about inviting him with you, it would heighten the experience but the thought of scaring him off by the bareness of the thing held you back.

Dipping your head under the cold water, shivers run up your back, not from the cold, but from something else.

You're being watched.

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